What is difference between Trigger and a Stored Procedure?

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  • Sep 3rd, 2006


1- when you create a trigger you have to identify event and action of your trigger but when you create s.p you don't identify event and action

2-trigger is run automatically if the event is occured but s.p don't run automatically but you have to run it manually

3- within a trigger you can call specific s.p but within a s.p you cann;t call atrigger

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  • Sep 20th, 2006

Actually triger in action which is performed automatically before or after a event occur and stored procedure is a procedure which is executed when the it is called. Stored procedure is module.

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  • Feb 19th, 2007

1. Triggers are implicitly called by DB itself while SP has to be manually called by user.

2. SP can pass the parameters which is not a case with Triggers.

3. While creating a Trigger, triggering event n action has to be specified, which isn’t a case with SP.

4. A Trigger can call the specific SP in it but the reverse is not true.

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  • Jul 25th, 2008

Trigger :- It is a type of stored procedure invoked automatically for a predefined DML operation .cannot accept parameters.

Stored Procedure :- It includes trigger ,function .Stored procedure(Function and procedure)  need to execute explicitly by using EXEC Procedure name/ DML query.It can accept parameters.

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Shubhangi Gaikwad

  • Jul 23rd, 2011

Trigger is calling Implicitly but Stored procedure is explicitly. Stored procedure is not accept a parameter, but in trigger is passing or accepting a parameter.

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  • Aug 9th, 2011


Triggers provide a way of executing PL/SQL code on the occurrence of specific database events. For example, you can maintain an audit log by setting triggers to fire when insert or update operations are carried out on a table. The insert and update triggers add an entry to an audit table whenever the table is altered.

The actions that Informix Dynamic Server triggers perform are constrained to multiple insert, update, delete, and execute procedure clauses; whereas, Oracle allows triggers to execute arbitrary PL/SQL code. Oracle triggers are similar to stored procedures in that they can contain declarative, execution, and exception handling code blocks.

Additionally, Oracle enables triggers to be invoked by many events other than table insert, update and delete operations. However, there are restrictions.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures provide a powerful way to code application logic that can be stored on the server. Informix Dynamic Server and Oracle both use stored procedures. Oracle also uses an additional type of subprogram called a function.

The language used to code stored procedures is a database-specific procedural extension of SQL. In Oracle it is PL/SQL and in Informix Dynamic Server it is Informix Dynamic Server Stored Procedure Language (SPL). These languages differ considerably. However, most of the individual SQL statements and the procedural constructs, such as if-then-else, are similar in both languages.

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  • Sep 15th, 2011

triggers start their execution when given condition or event is met in prog. but a stored procedure occurs when a programmer make call to it .

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vikas pathak

  • Apr 11th, 2015

store procedure can accept parameter while a trigger can not

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  • Apr 25th, 2015

Trigger is a block of Code that fires because of any event in the database. Triggers are stored in a different area in the database. It can fire implicitly because of some insert update or delete statement .you cannot directly call it. Triggers are generally used to check for values before insert update or delete Stored procedures are named blocks of code that are called by the user when the program needs to use it.

Some procedures return value and functions will return value.

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  • Nov 3rd, 2016

Commit cannot be done in case of triggers except for autonomous transactions. When you create a trigger you have to identify event and action of your trigger. Triggers are implicitly called by DB itself

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  • Jan 25th, 2018

Procedure -
Definition - Procedure is a program unit or a module that performs a particular task.
Execution - A stored procedure is executed explicitly by issuing procedure call
Parameters - Stored procedure can take input parameters
Syntax -
[(parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] type [, ...])]
{IS | AS}
< procedure_body >
END procedure_name;
Definition - Triggers are stored programs, which are automatically executed or fired when some events occurs
Execution - The trigger is executed implicitly whenever any triggering event occurs
Parameters - Trigger cannot take input parameters
Syntax -
{INSERT [OR] | UPDATE [OR] | DELETE} [OF col_name]
ON table_name
WHEN (condition)

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