How can we add text in particular cell in grid, its vb6 equivalent is textmatrix. i want in dotnet 2005 equivalent

Questions by saxduck

Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers


  • Jul 12th, 2007


In you can't just click on the column like you can in vb6 FlexGrid. You have to create a button option for each column to be able to select it and delete it. Here's how you do it in Visual Studio:

Grid properties ->  AutoGenerateColumn = False
Hit PropertyPages tab right on top of the grid properties -> columns -> add Bound Column (add the same number of this as many as columns you have) + add Button Column. This way you can write a generic code that does something on the click of a button in  a particular column.

I don't know the details on how to do that yet, since I'm learning too, but once I find out, I'll post again. I only posted since no one else had replied and I am hoping that from the little knowledge I have, you can figure out the rest! :)

Let me know your progress. Good luck!

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