What is the process of bug cycle?

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  • Aug 29th, 2006


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  • Aug 30th, 2006

The Bug Cycle strats from the finding defects and the the cycle goes on to the next as fixeing the bugs detected and then the retesting the same and if it works then it is closed else reopened.

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  • Aug 30th, 2006

  1. reporting a bug
  2. investigating a bug
  3. assigning a bug
  4. fixing a bug
  5. regression testing
  6. closing or reopening a bug

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Shailesh Kumar N

  • Aug 30th, 2006

New --->Assign---->Acknowledge----->Fix/Won't Fix----->Retest/Close----->Pass/Fail----->Close/Re Open.


  • Sep 4th, 2006


Please find the Process of Bug Life Cycle.

New -> verify -> Assign-> Fixed -> Closed.

If the bug is not closed , then there is a stage called Opened.

then it becomes

New -> verify -> Assign-> Fixed -> Opened.

Again the Process will start from Verify.

Let me know if were wrong.

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  • Sep 8th, 2006

The process of  bug cycle

when the tester find the bug for the first time the status of bug is New.

when the tester assign bug to the developer the status of bug is assigned.

once the bug is assigned to the developer the status change to open

once the developer fix the bug the status of the bug change to fix and it

given to tester for retesting.

once the bug is restested and if issue is resloved the status change to

closed or the status change to reopen

In case similar meaning bug is repeated or exact meaning bug is repeated then the bug status is marked as duplicate

This particular status can be changed by the developer as well as the tester with the notification to the project manger.

If are having doubts can ask me.

sudhakar kolla

My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in

My number:09819859346

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Niranjan Arsid

  • Sep 13th, 2006

Bug Life Cycle:

Detect Defect > Reproduce Defect > Report Defect > Fix Bug > Resolve Bug > Close Bug

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sultan khan

  • Sep 15th, 2006


  1. reporting a bug
  2. investigating a bug
  3. assigning a bug
  4. fixing a bug
  5. regression testing
  6. closing or reopening a bug                

The 5th point is retesting not the Regression testing because the regression testing will be done after the completion of all test cases execute.


have a nice day


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  • Sep 18th, 2006

Hi this information is for sarvanan you have made wrong in the bug life cycle

The flow of bug cycle is:

Tester finds the bug-> assigned to the developer->developer finds the RCA(Root cause analysis for the bug)->developer will fix the bug->tester verifies the bug->if it fixed then close the bug or if it not foxed reopen

like this the lcycle will repeat.

verify comes after fixing the bug. tester will verify whether the bug is fixed or not it doesnt come before assign.

I hope i am right

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

 r u sure that its regression testing after fixing. i think it is retesting I am a fresher in testing but as far as my knowledge there is a difference betwn regression testing and retesting. regression testing is done when we add something new to the systems isnt it? will it come there. let me know if i were wrong

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

Rakshita U R Not Absolutely rightfirst of Thing U wrote in Last Line is Foxed in place of fixed,The Bug Life Cycle is:New Bug--->verified--->ClosedOPened--->--->Assigned To Fix--->Retest---->Closed/Reopened/Defferred--follow 4th step..Let me know in case i am wrong..Regard's Anupam

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  • Sep 29th, 2006


Is there any Triaged meetings during bug life cycle

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  • Sep 29th, 2006


This is Raja, you are right and tell me the Differences between Severity and Priority, Give me the examples of High Severity and Low Priority and Low Severity and High Priority. 

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  • Sep 30th, 2006


  as soon as the new bug has found, it goes to the review commite because they decide that it is eally a bug or not..if it is then it will "" open"" otherwise ""cancal""

 if it ?pen then it goes to the development group lead and ""assign"" to the develpoer team afte that ""programmer "" resolve"" it. then after it goes to the change control board and only after that it comes to the test team then they do ""regresionn testing"" if it get fixed then its closed otherwise they ""reopen"" the bug and again go to the review commite. in this case either it is deffered", "postponed" or "duplicated"'

that means

new bug/ review comitee-open-development group leads-assign-programmer -resolve state- ccb-test team-regression testing -close/reopen-review commite/duplicated,postponed/deffered.

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

The process of bug cycle.




4. Retesting.




sudhakar kolla.

My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

My Number:09819859346.


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  • Oct 6th, 2006

bug life cycle starts with


find a bug

test whether a bug is reproducible 

review by above designation people

report  bug

fix the bug


repeat .....

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  • Oct 12th, 2006

Regression test & Retesting

Regression test is testing all the defects that have been closed or opened once the developer fixes the bugs and release the new build.

Retesting means testing the same functionality with different values

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Brijesh Jain

  • Oct 17th, 2006

Step1.New or Reopen Bug

Step2. CCB decision on Bug

Step3.Bug open/or resolved/ or deffered/ or rejected
Step4. If open then fixed by developer

Step5.Retested by tester

Step6. If it ok. then closed otherwise again reported as reopen to fix.

Please readers reply me.

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Lalitha Karthik

  • Nov 7th, 2006

Bug Cycle is like

1.Report a bug-Submitted State

2.Assign-Assigned to the developer


4.Validate(validated by the Tester who reported the bug)

5.Open (if its not fixed)or close(if its been fixed)

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Actually the bug life cycle is having a Unique process but the status are depends upon the company and the BTS used by company. We are given the bug life cycle as:If bug is found then logged the bug and assigned to developer with status Open at the same time.Developer:If the developer thinks that it?s really a bug then he fixed the bug and changed to Fixed.If he thinks it?s not a bug then he changed to Not a Bug.If he thinks it?a bug but ne need to fix now , then he changed to ?Defer?.If the mentioned steps for bug are not able to re producable the bug then he changed to ?Cant?t Reproducable?.If the bug takes too much time to fix then he changed to ?In progress?.If there is a clash between the developer and tester then the developer changed the status to ?Request Review? and mentioned the Reviewer name to Higher name.Tester:If bug status changed to : Fixed: Regressed the bug , if fixed changed to Close or else changed to Reopen. Not a Bug: Test our self once again and try to convince the developer, if not possible then intimate to our team lead.Can?t Reproducable: Verify ourself whether the steps are correct or not. If correct then intimate the developer at which scenario we get that bug. Srinivasulu.B (srinivasulub1981@gmail.com

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  • Nov 28th, 2006

first a test engineer can understand the reqirements and that FRS is released to the development department and an application is developed according to the customer requirements. that application is released to the testing department. if any defects found in that application he send it back to the developer . if there are no defects he stops testing.

     test engineer send the defect profile document to the developer, the developer can chech if there is really a defect then he do the rectification and fized for the verification and send it as a nezt build to the testing department. now tester may do on already tested part aswellas for the new changes.

if already tested part has no defects he close thatone.if he gets defects in the new changes he again sebd open or new

status of defects to the developer.

if the developer did not understand the defect and he  hold that defect and he ask for the team lead for rectification. here hold means the developer may be confused abut the defect

if there is no defect is identified by the developer he come to a conclusion that it is tester error.

if the test engineer not having the updated FRS  the developer can say as per the design


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  • Nov 30th, 2006

hi buddies,

As per Bugzilla, the bug process cycle will be as follows:

1) New --> Assigned --> Resolved-Fixed --> Reopened (if still the issue persists) --> Resolved-Later (if the tester is not able to retest the issue) --> Resolved-Fixed (If the developer makes code changes) --> Closed (If the issue is closed)

As per Mercury quality center, the bug process cycle will be as follows

1) New --> Open (intimate to developer) --> Fixed (code changes) --> Reopen (if still issue persists) --> Deferred (If the defect is not able to handed over) --> Fixed (code changes) --> Closed


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  • Dec 1st, 2006

New (finds a bub by a tester) I Open (tester designates the bug as open) I Assign (QA verifies and then assigns to developer) I Fixed (developer fixes the bug and passes to tester to test) IReopen -- Test ( Tester tests the bug) (If still existing, tester or QA assigns Reopen) I Close (Bug has resolved, the tester or QA assigns close)

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Step1.New or Reopen BugStep2. CCB decision on BugStep3.Bug open/or resolved/ or deffered/ or rejectedStep4. If open then fixed by developerStep5.Retested by testerStep6. If it ok. then closed otherwise again reported as reopen.

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  • May 29th, 2008

Bug life cycle is the cycle through which a defect goes starts when bugs found and ends when bugs is closed after ensuring its not reproduced.
Phases of Bug life cycle:-
1) New: When bugs found
2) Open: when bug is addressed to the developer. it may then be rejected, said to be duplicate or deferred.
3) Fix: when it is fixed or solved by developer.
4) Close: After bugs addressed by developer its comes to tester to test, once assured its no more a defect its close phase.

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Siva Anand

  • Apr 25th, 2011

Bug Life Cycle

3.Acknowledged (If Issue reproduced by developer)
4.Feedback(If Issue not reproduced by developer)
5.Resolved (If Developer fixed the bug)
7.Closed (If Issue fixed)
8.Reopen (If Issue exist)

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