If the HR asks me "Being mechanical engineer why you want to the IT industry. Please give me answers as i am going to attend campus interview in few days.

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Aug 23rd, 2006

You can tell in some ways

1.Lot of opportunities and scope in IT field when compared with mechanical field.

2. To work in a challenging environment.

you can answer in some ways

1. Lot of of opportunities and scope are available in ITfield, when compared with mechanical field.

2. Wishing to work in a challenging environment and also implementing latest techniques available in IT field into my mechanical area, if it is possible.

3. Give some example,like SAP(It is very much easy to learn for mechanical engineers than pure IT people)


  • Feb 23rd, 2007

* you can replay that only mechanical engineers can able to produce software related to  mechanical industries like sap ,cadcam atc  


  • Apr 18th, 2007

I think my answer would be
"The 4 years in the engineering has not only taught me the basics of mechanical studies but also has given me the ability of reasoning things. the ability to think beyond the established facts. It has sharpened me towards a technological bent of mind and more over I would love to explore the IT fields and the challenging work enviorment there"

Your best approach would be to let them know that you are a fast learner and are open to new technologies.

Best of Luck

Gajanan Anandache

  • May 11th, 2007

You just tell that..Now a days mechanical students are trained in all fields and they can do all field jobs.

jaya prakash narayana bandaru

  • Jul 16th, 2007

IT industry is one where i can exhibit my skills and career growth is fast

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in my first year of engineering  i hv read subjects like c++ and fundamentals of information technology.which are very interesting to me,i also practised cad,catia etc
but i come to know that i have more opportunities in software than my field thats why i want to jon it industry after getting selected i would get the training from company and i'll adjust myself according to need coz software's subjects are very interestin to me

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  • Dec 22nd, 2009

The knowledge of an IT guy is used only by an educated one but the knowledge of a Mechanical engineer is used even by an uneducated [For Example: Farmers], this itself proves the scope of mechanical, now-a-days there are lots of design softwares developed which are used to make easy manufacturing, so IT does not really means only programming but also implimentation and we mech people are really suited for those jobs.

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