What is block? types of blocks?what is locking systm in universe?what is shortcut join where it is neccessary?

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

block is a generic term to desribe table.

Types of blocks:  Table, financial table,cross tab

Locking universe allow one designer at a time to modify the universe


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  • Oct 7th, 2010

A table is also called as a block.

types of blocks are:

1) table
4) form.

Shortcut join : A join that links two tables by by passing one or more other tables in the universe.

locking system in universe ??????

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Locking of universes:
When you are to import a universe , you will be going to File->Import.
A dialog box opens where you can browse the universe you want to open.
If you double click on the universe where you have placed the cursor arrow, a lock symbol appears.

Then you can import the universe as well.

When the lock is in position, no one else can modify the universe.

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  • Jun 1st, 2012

shortcut join: direct joins b/w the two tables by eliminating the intermediate tables.......the main purpose of this join is improve the performance of the query

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