What is MULTI ORG FLOW? How many organisation are there in an operating unit?

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RAJENDER SINGH-hyderabad, India

  • Aug 22nd, 2006

Multi Org means Multiple Organisation that is

1)Business Group (Which dealt with HRMS Module) It is the Higest level in the ORG structure.

2)Legar Entity ( Dealt with Tax entities, Govt reporting authorities)

3)Set of Books ( Dealt with 3 C's that is Chart of Account, Currencies and Calender)

4)Operating Unit (Dealt with 5 sub ledger modules by name AP/AR/GL/PO/OM

5)Inventory Organisation (Dealt with INV/BOM/WIP/MS_MRP)

You can assign any no of Organization under a Operatin Unit.


R Singh Hyderabad, India


  • Sep 7th, 2006

The Multi org is a concept/business process under which multiple operating unit can be defined

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  • Nov 11th, 2006

multiple oraganisations in single installations.

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  • Jan 23rd, 2007

Multi org is nothing but under single implementation maintaing multiple organiztion like business gorup,set of books, legal entities,operating units,inventry orgnization.Business group Hrfr_business_group / set of books Gl_sets_of_books / legal entites Hr_legal_entites /operating Units Hr_operating_units /Inventry Organization Org_organization_definitions

Ratnakar Reddy

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  • Mar 27th, 2007

MultiOrg means different operating Units
MultiOrg or Multiple Organizations Architecture allows multiple operating units and their relationships to be defined within a single installation of Oracle Applications. This keeps each operating unit's transaction data separate and secure.

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Surya Kumar Reddy Chemakura

  • Aug 8th, 2007

Multi org is basically meant for two things:
 -  To capture transactions of multiple organizations in same instance instead of going for a new instance of oracle apps.
 -  To control the database access: a responsibility associated with one operating unit cannot access data of another operating unit.

Access control is the basic requirement when multiple organizations are defined. 

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Lakshmi L

  • Feb 1st, 2013

Multi -Org Flow for R12:

1. Business Group
2. Ledger
3. Legal Entity
4. Operating Unit
5. Inventory Organization
6. HR Organization

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  • Jan 29th, 2015


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venkata baji

  • May 3rd, 2016

Multi-org means it is capturing multiple organizations in single database.

It has structure that is
BG: it is high level information (HR information)

Ledger: it is reporting purpose, each ledger associated with one BG

Legal entity: It is nothing but company, creating tax reports, each legal entity should be associated with one ledger

OU: It is nothing but business division, each OU should be associated with one legal entity only

INV: It is nothing but where house, each INV should be associated with OU

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