Can a dimension table contains numeric values?

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  • Aug 14th, 2006

Yes.But those datatype will be char (only the values can numeric/char)

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  • Sep 1st, 2006

hi sunil

       yes, we can have numeric values in dimensional table but these are not

      frequently updated as dim table contains constent data but only on some occassions it can change


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  • Oct 22nd, 2006

yes ,

It may contain the  numeric values but not summerised informations


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  • Aug 3rd, 2007

A dimension table can contain anything you want - it is the business requirements around each data element that drive the data model.

Eg: Your company makes bicycles. Frame size is part of the product.

It's not a fact - it makes no sense to add/average/sum the frame size.

It *IS* something you group/sort/filter on. "How many bikes with 19 inch frames were sold by region ?"

WHERE ProductDimension.FrameSize = 19

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Dimension table will have only textual values only.Some dimension table will have numeric values for eg.Cust number in a Cust_dim only thing here to remember is the object type of the Cust number should always a Char type.for ref you can see these in the universe just right click the cust number object and view definition tab of the object , there you can see a list down box will show your "object Type" to be Char.

for further query pls do send a mail

Thanks & Regards,

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  • Jan 4th, 2008


For example, a perishable product in a grocery store might have SHELF_LIFE (in days) as part of the product dimension.  This value may, for example, be used to calculate optimum inventory levels for the product.  Too much inventory, and an excess of product expires on the shelf, while too little results in lost sales.

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As commented by Gurus in this question , I think dimension table can have numeric values also since it is business requiremnt driven model. For example you can a currency table which will have the currency conversion values. which you can used in fact table for conversion values.

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  • Dec 18th, 2008

Yes Dimension tables can contain Numeric values like "Code","ID", or anything else.It has no restication on the datatype.It depends upon Business logic.
What is important is that on the reporting side you cant treat it as MEASURE.
A dimensional data should alwayas be treated as DIMENSION irrespective of its DATATYPE.
eg you must have Customer Codes to identify your Customers, but obviously you neither require nor put SUM() on Cust_Code?
So its not about datatype its about functionality what you want to acheive.

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Yes, It may contain numeric values. 

If customer_dim table has attributes like cust_id, cust_name, contact_no, salary and so on.
Here cust_id, contact_no, salary are numerics only.

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  • Aug 17th, 2016

Yes, A dimension Table can have numeric data types and information. For example. the surrogate key columns which are numeric. and in a scenario if a product has min discount and max discount columns which are numeric and the columns values dont change frequently then that kind of information can be part of a dimension. In another scenario where Job category and salary information is stored in Job Dimension table having the Min salary and Max Salary values for particular Job category. Those will be part of dimension. Because these numeric attributes in the dimension are not supposed to perform any kind of aggregation or involve in any kind of calculations. The Measure columns where you put all your aggregations, calculations etc are be part of Fact Tables always.

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  • Jun 22nd, 2017

Yes dimension table can contain numeric value. i.e. Product dimension can have price, quantity as numeric values

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