1) How do u handle table controls in session method? How do u handle errors in call transaction?2) what is BADI?Why do we use it?3) what is BAPI? purpose?4) difference between user exit and customer exit?

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  • Nov 8th, 2006

we don't handle any table controls in session bcoz sap handles  all the things where as in call transaction we handle the error by using a itab like bdcmsgcoll.

badi is nothing but a business addin it is created and placed into sap system depending on the company requirement we create a badi in se18 and implement in se19.

a bapi is a function module which is used to communicate to any non-sap system or sap-system.

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  • Dec 10th, 2006

Can hnadle errors in call transaction using internal table having structure BDCMSGCOLL, But this alone does not help to view errors and eradicate it. To view the errors that is holded in internal table use function module FORMAT_MESSAGE. This helps to get a look at the errors.

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  • Jan 10th, 2007

WE can collect the errors in the internal table of structure BDCMSGCOLL mentioning it in that syntax call transaction.e.g.

call transaction MM01 using BDCDATA mode N update S message in BDCMSGCOLL.

After collecting all those messages we can show them after formatting with function module MESSAGE_PREPARE or FORMAT_MESSAGE.

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