Performance tuning in informatica

What is performance tuning in informatica? How it can be done?

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Aug 4th, 2006

For improving the perfomance in loading data, the following step can be used.

1) Check hard disks & CPU on related machines

2) Improve network speed

3) Optimize the database configuration

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  • Aug 31st, 2006


   One of My friend had said above as an answer for the question but it talks much about database and network performance.

    Performance optimizing can be achieved at various levels. With respective to informatica it can further be achieved at

  1.Mapping Level

  2.Session Level

Mapping Level (keeping filter as close to source,use sorted input while using aggregator transformation etc)

Session Level (by increasing and decreasing DTM Buffer and same with Commit Interval) etc..


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  • Sep 28th, 2006

optimizing the session performance is known as performance tuning.

the session runs in the availabale load window for the informatica server.

performance tuning can be achieved in so many ways.

1.use the datamovement modes of infomratcia server as ASCII mode.

2.use the filter condition in the source qualifier instead of using in the filter transformation.

3.remove the staging areas.

4.partioning the session.

5.when your informatica server is on network then remove the network connection

etc u can achieve the performance tuning in these ways

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Raja Alluri

  • May 13th, 2012

Looking at logs, we can identify which thread(Reader/ Writer/ Transformation) is taking time to process.
Below are the options to improve performance:
Mapping level changes-->
1. Move the filter T/f as close to source as possible.
2. Use override queries in SQ t/f and Lookup t/f to get data that we need.
3. Use a sorter t/f or use order by clause in SQ t/f before joiner Aggregation t/f
4. If lookup is taking lot of time, make it as a source and use left outer join.
5. Create indexes on the column we use for joins

Session level changes -->
1. Increase Commit interval
2. Increase DTM buffer size
3. Session Partitioning
4. Use normal Verbose level

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