State the difference between Webi and Infoview

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  • Aug 9th, 2006

In infoview you can create a webi documents i.e wid documents, you can open, schedule, save it as an excel or pdf or business objects document(.rep).

Webi is a part of Infoview

Goverdhan Reddy

  • Aug 10th, 2006

Infoview is the portal to the BO's business intelligence solution and infoview also allows the third party documents and It contains document lists that give an instant overview of all the documents generated from corporate data storage and made availabe to users

Goverdhan Reddy

  • Aug 10th, 2006

Web Intelligence is a leading web-based query,analysis and reporting tool and this provides a thin-client interface for powerful adhoc queries and simple analysis. It allows users to access, analyze  and share corporate data over intranet,extranets for both RDBMS dbs and OLAP servers

Goverdhan Reddy

  • Aug 10th, 2006

Difference between the Infoview and WI????

WebIntelligence is the 'thin-client' (or server version) of Business Objects Reporter. It is used to create report documents. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server.  

 InfoView is what the user logs into, sees, and uses in their Internet Browser that allows the user to access and create Business Objects reports via the web without having to install the 'Full (or 'Thick') client Business Objects Reporter on their computer.

The user can only get to Webi through InfoView. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server.


  • Feb 11th, 2010

WebIntelligence is the 'thin-client' (or server version) of Business Objects Reporter. It is used to create report documents. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server. 

InfoView is what the user logs into, sees, and uses in their Internet Browser that allows the user to access and create Business Objects reports via the web without having to install the 'Full (or 'Thick') client Business Objects Reporter on their computer.

The user can only get to Webi through InfoView. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server.

In infoview you can create a webi documents i.e wid documents you can open schedule save it as an excel or pdf or business objects document(.rep).

Webi is a part of Infoview

Infoview is the portal to the BO's business intelligence solution and infoview also allows the third party documents and It contains document lists that give an instant overview of all the documents generated from corporate data storage and made availabe to users.

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