Tell me the total process of EIM?

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  • Aug 4th, 2006

after  u get the legacy data thorugh exl format

   1. u identify the which base table and which base column suitable for legacy  data.

  2.after that u have to use control file or dts processing to load the lagacy to eim table.

  3. after that by using IFB file from eim to base table store the data. 

EIM is a server component in Siebel EAI Server Component Group.

EIM is a Siebel provided utility for performing bulk import, export, merge
and delete of data. Though updates can also be performed through the import
function of EIM.

Siebel does not support direct loading of data into base tables.

The whole process in EIM can be practically summarized two steps.

1. Loading the EIM tables.
2. Invoking the EIM server process with the correct ifb file.

All SQL operations such as update, insert, delete, etc can be performed on
EIM tables.

The EIM process in detail involves the following steps.

1. If the base table into which you need to import the data is newly created
one, first you have to do an interface table mapping using wizard available in
the Siebel tools.
2. Prepare a mapping sheet as to which columns of Base table you need to
populate and which corresponding columns in EIM tables map to those base tables.
(This step is optional)
3. Determine the parent or child tables you need to populate and its
corresponding EIM tables.
4. Determine the type of mappings. Attribute, Explicit primary or foreign key
5. Load the EIM table .
     a. Populate the EIM columns corresponding to the base
table the user key columns
     b. Populate the EIM columns corresponding to the base
table required columns
     c. Populate the EIM columns corresponding to the BC
level and other level required columns
     d. Populate the EIM table required columns.
     e. Populate the child table first incase of any foreign
key mapping.
6. Code the IFB file with proper process parameters.
(Its a separate session in itself. It would take a lot of time to explain.
Please Refer to bookshelf EIM ADM.pdf)
7. Execute the EIM Server process from a batch file or shell script or through
8. Check the IF_ROW_STAT column of the EIM Table for any errors.
9. If no errors, then check if the data you are trying to import is there in the

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