Is is true that JAVA is not 100% object oriented language ?

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  • Jul 29th, 2006


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  • Jul 31st, 2006

No, it is not. primatives (like boolean, int and pointer) are not "First Class Objects".

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Dinesh Singh

  • Aug 7th, 2006

no, java is not 100% oop, because it uses primitive data types like boolean, short, int, long etc. 

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supriya ahire

  • Aug 8th, 2006


     Hi all ,

    Java is not 100% object oriented b'coz it does not support multiple   inheritance.

  Thanks & Regards,

  Ms.Supriya Ahire.

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  • Aug 9th, 2006

It supports maultiple inheritance thru interfaces

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Sreenivasulu Pasala

  • Aug 11th, 2006

yes. It is true that JAVA is 100% object oriented language.

It follows all object oriented concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance and polymorphism.

regarding primitive types...

          There are Wrapper classes to replace the primitive types.

Since the primitive types' performance is better than the wrapper classes, we use primitive types.

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  • Sep 23rd, 2006

I hate ppl who say java isnt 100% OO :PI dont see a way why 7 built-in primitive types which are treated like native java keywords could violate ANY OOP commandment ?The basic and most intuitive way to distinguish OO languages is :-is there any way to make some action from outside and without any relation to some object or some class ?In Java there isn't, every action you specify is a part of some object's/class's behavior (except for public static main entry point which is a winapi method).

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  • Jan 5th, 2007

Java is not 100 % OO because(justinclude fe points so

that u may get an idea):

1. Operator overloading(except +)is not possible in


2.Primitives are notObjects.Though ofcourse, we have

wrapper class for that.

3.Multible inheritancethrough classes is not possible.

4. Availability of staticmethods and variables.




I think the biggestoffender is the primitive types, since these aren't objects at all! (regardlessof available wrapper class), pure OO systems like Smalltalk insist thateverything in your system is an object in it's own right, i.e. has identity,state and behaviour


---- ---------

JIT COMpiler

Short for just-in-timecompiler, a code generator that converts Java bytecode

into machine languageinstructions. Some Java Virtual Machines (VMs), including

the VM in the NetscapeNavigator browser, include a JIT in addition to a Java

interpreter. Javaprograms compiled by a JIT generally run much faster than when

the bytecode is executedby an interpreter.

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  • Mar 6th, 2007

Java is not a 100% object oriented because it supports static methods which can be called without creating a object and the best example for this is 
the main method which is static and is called by the JVM without any object 
refering to it 

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  • May 23rd, 2008

There are four requirements that a language must meet to be considered "object-oriented:" 1) modularity, 2) polymorphism, 3) inheritance and 4) encapsulation. Java meets all four. Code can be built in modular units. Class functions may be overloaded, resulting in polymorphic behavior. Objects may be inherited. Implementation details may be hidden, enabling encapsulation.

The fact that Java allows primitive data types is irrelevlant.

The fact that Java fails to support multiple inheritance is also irrelevant.

Not everything in Java is an object; however, that is not relevant either.

The question itself is ambiguous and it pre-supposes that there is a correct answer. In its present form there is no correct answer.

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  • Feb 16th, 2012

Yes, it is not truly object oriented reason being it uses primitive data types eg. int and for a language to be truly object oriented it does not have primitive data types everything has to be defined using class. so Java is not 100% object oriented language.

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  • Feb 19th, 2012

Yes, it is true that Java is not a 100% Object-Orientated language. This is so, because of the use of primitive data types (e.g. int, double, boolean, etc.).

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  • Mar 2nd, 2012

yes java is not purely object oriented prog language. except primitive data types total java is object oriented.

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No, because in pure object oriented language we access everything through objects but java contains static variables and methods which can be accessed directly without using objects

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