How many types of dimensions are available in informatica?

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  • Jul 31st, 2006

three types of dimensions are available

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  • Jul 31st, 2006

What are they?Plz explain me.What is rapidly changing dimensions?

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  • Aug 8th, 2006


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  • Aug 9th, 2006

hi there r 3 types of dimensions schema

2.snowflake schema

3.glaxy schema

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  • Aug 10th, 2006

i think there r 3 types of dimension table



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  • Aug 27th, 2006

There are 3 types of dimensions available according to my knowledge.

That are

1. General dimensions

2. Confirmed dimensions

3. Junk Dimensions


  • Aug 27th, 2006

Using the Slowly Changing Dimensions Wizard

The Slowly Changing Dimensions Wizard creates mappings to load slowly changing dimension tables:

  • Type 1 Dimension mapping. Loads a slowly changing dimension table by inserting new dimensions and overwriting existing dimensions. Use this mapping when you do not want a history of previous dimension data.
  • Type 2 Dimension/Version Data mapping. Loads a slowly changing dimension table by inserting new and changed dimensions using a version number and incremented primary key to track changes. Use this mapping when you want to keep a full history of dimension data and to track the progression of changes.
  • Type 2 Dimension/Flag Current mapping. Loads a slowly changing dimension table by inserting new and changed dimensions using a flag to mark current dimension data and an incremented primary key to track changes. Use this mapping when you want to keep a full history of dimension data, tracking the progression of changes while flagging only the current dimension.
  • Type 2 Dimension/Effective Date Range mapping. Loads a slowly changing dimension table by inserting new and changed dimensions using a date range to define current dimension data. Use this mapping when you want to keep a full history of dimension data, tracking changes with an exact effective date range.
  • Type 3 Dimension mapping. Loads a slowly changing dimension table by inserting new dimensions and updating values in existing dimensions. Use this mapping when you want to keep the current and previous dimension values in your dimension table.

I want each and every one of you who is answering please don't make fun out of this.

some one gave the answer "no". some one gave the answer "star flake schema, snow flake schema etc"how can a schema come under a type of dimension


One major classification we use in our real time modelling is

Slowly Changing Dimensions

type1 SCD: If you want to load an updated row of previously existed row the previous data will be replaced. So we lose historical data.

type2 SCD: Here we will add a new row for updated data. So we have both current and past records, which aggrees with the concept of datawarehousing maintaining historical data.

type3 SCD: Here we will add new columns.

but mostly used one is type2 SCD.

we have one more type of dimension that is

CONFORMED DIMENSION: The dimension which gives the same meaning across different star schemas is called Conformed dimension.

ex: Time dimension. where ever it was , gives the same meaning


  • Dec 19th, 2006

wat r those three dimensions tht r available in inforamtica here we get multiple answers cud anyone tell me the exact once.........


hari krishna

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  • Feb 22nd, 2007

casual dimension, confimed dimension,degenrate dim,junk dimension,raged dim,dirty dim

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  • Mar 30th, 2007

There are 3 types of Dimension

1. Slowly Changing Dimension-Type1 (in short SCD1): Which has only current records.

2. Slowly Changing Dimension-Type2 (in short SCD2): Which has current records+historical records.

3. Slowly Changing Dimension-Type3 (in short SCD3: Which has current records + one previous records.

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Rajendar B

  • May 3rd, 2007

Dimensions are 2 types

1) Slowly changing dimensions:

It is subdivided in to  SCD1, SCD2, SCD3...
2) Slowly growing target.

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  • May 29th, 2007

                      What u told is correct. But in the case of SCD Type2  we will have not only current data but also NOT (ONLY HISTORICAL DATA) ie we will have COMPLETE HISTORICAL DATA.
 Regards ,
              Kishore Roy. P

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  • Nov 22nd, 2011

Hi Guys,

Please don't answer wrong answers the above mentioned are Schema. , the dimension are discussed bellow.

1.Junk Dimension:Contains miscellaneous data such as flags and indicator

2.Degenerated Dimension:Which is derived from the fact table and does not have any dimension of its own.

3.Conformed Dimension:which is connected are shared by more than one facts.

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  • Dec 26th, 2011

In Informatica 4 types of dimensions are available, these are
1) Degenerate dimensions

2) Junk dimesnsions ( a dimension which contains the less numbers of cordinality vales are less number of indicators )

3) Confirmed dimensions ( a dimension which can be stored by multiple fact tables)

4) Slowly changing ( based on period of time the dimensions will be changed
a)SCD1 (most recent values in the target)
b)SCD2 (current+ history data)
c)SCD3 (just partial history)

5) Casual dimension

6) Dirty dim

please correct me anything wrong

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