1.diff between drill down and drill through?2. what is meant by roll-up?3.what is meant by external roll-up?how to create external rollup with example?4.what is meant by clean house command?5.what is meant by scope?what are types?explain them6.what is meant by cube groups?how to create cube groups?there is any simplest way to create cube groups?7.what is meant by alternate drill down with ex?8.how many cubes you are created till now?9.what is the size of the present cube?10.why you choose Ex-files and flatfiles instead of iqd?11.what is meant by partition?How To create?12.how to create time state Partition13.model contain ____________? cube contai___________?14.what is distinct measure?

Questions by sivakumardwh   answers by sivakumardwh

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Jul 30th, 2006

Drill Down - an action that shows the child categories

Drill Through - A n action that uses the current context of a report, to access information in anotherreport, cube, Impromptu report, or macro. Cubes with drill-through access are set up in Transformer and must match on of dimensions, measures, and details, although not necessarily all of them.

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  • Aug 3rd, 2006


Ans of Quest. 7 - Alternate drill down path means there will be two path to opt.For example- We will have time dimension now the client requirement is they want two type of year -one is claender year(Jan-Dec) and another is fiscal year(Apr-Mar).

Now wil have to create a alternate drill down for year.so user can drill down with using cal yr to quarter to month to week or fiscal yr to quarter to month to week.

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Drill-through report is to link two reports containing related information. You can thenaccess related or more detailed information in one report by selecting a value in another report.Drill down report allows the reader to drill down to lower level data sets and drill up report allows to drill up to higher-level data sets, provided you are using a dimensionally modeled data source. This will allow you to rerun the report for a different dataset without having to regenerate the report.An example of a dimensional hierarchy might be:Years - Year - Quarter - MonthDrilling up and down allows you to view more general or more detailed information on your datawithin such a predefined dimensional hierarchy, without having to create different reports.

Drill down is like in time dimension from year to qtr to month to week etc., In drill through you cannot only drill down in a single dimension but you can go to the next dimension as well.
EG take 3 dimension tables as time, product, region. Now in drill through you can get the details like January month, abc product detail in xyz country.

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