What do u mean by "Reproducing a bug"? If the bug was not reproducable, what is the next step?

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  • Jul 19th, 2006

Reproducing Bug means  the defect/Bug reappears at dev environment then they will resolve and fix the Bug.

Bug is not reproducable at dev environment then we will send the Execution steps with appropriate Screen shots clearly.

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Santosh M

  • Jul 19th, 2006

Reproducing is the process in which we are retesting the bugs which we have reported in bug tracking system.If you didnt get the bug u can closed the bug.

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  • Jul 19th, 2006

Hi,I think "Execution steps" should be send while reporting the Bug.Thanks -Nitish

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  • Jul 20th, 2006

pls tell me whether defect report template must have a coloumn"steps to reproduce",with out will developer fix the bug?

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  • Jul 31st, 2006

WOW WOW...reproducing a bug is as simple as reproducing a bug. If you find a defect...for example I click the button and the corresponding action did not happen....I will call it a bug...If the developer is unable to see this behaviour...he will ask us to reproduce the bug...

Another scenario....If the client complains a defect in the production...we will have to reproduce  it in TEST environment.

To answer the other question....YES..the defect template must have the column for having the "STEPS" to reproduce the bug....

Happy Testing...

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  • Aug 7th, 2006

in some cases bug may not be reproduceble so itz allways better 2 take a snapshot of it n attach a test procedure

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  • Sep 24th, 2006

What do u mean by "Reproducing a bug"?This means performing the similar steps that were perfomed when the bug was detected. Or it can be steps to re-produce the bug. Developer may ask you to re-produce the bug the unable to follow the steps u mentioned in the defect description. If the bug is not reproducible(by tester/developer), then the defect is rejected by the dev team with status " Rejected-not reproducible".

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  • Oct 6th, 2006

If you can not take the snap shorts atleast you can show them the bug occurrence percentage.Means how often it occurs or after how much time it occurs.......

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  • Oct 14th, 2006

The tester says,tat a particular product contains some 5 defects,ths is submitted to the developer,but he says,he can able to find only 3 defects,in it.Ths issue now goes to the project manager,He calls the tester and ask him to reproduce all the 5 defects.If he fails to reproduce the defects,those defects are given a status called "REJECTED".

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Brijesh Jain

  • Oct 17th, 2006

hi,Actually when a tester finds a bug then he/she should follow the same step to see whether the same bug occurs again. This is called reproducing a bug. Tester have to report that a bug is reproducible or not. Because every bug is not reproducible they occurs accidently

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  • Oct 27th, 2006


Reproducing is nothing but, If we found a bug then we need to repeat the same steps by using input data from same partition. If in every case the bug is producing then we can say "yes" against to Reproducible column in your defect report. If the bug is not producing again for few input data then we can assign "NO" against to Reproducible column.

If you assign "no" to Reproducible column, then you need to take screenshots of the bug and attach it to your defect report.


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Lalitha Karthik

  • Nov 7th, 2006

Let me explain this with an example

Say an Tester has found a bug in the Testing environment and reported to the bug tracking tool,the same bug cannot be reproduced by the developer in the Development environment, the developer may ask the Tester to reproduce the bug.This is termed as Reproducing a bug

In such cases the Tester can send the snapshots of the bug,user id,time stamps,OS in which he found the bug

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"Reproducing a bug"? : This case occur in 2 scenarios, first , if we found an issue then again we need to confirm whether it's able to reproduce before going to log, second, if the same issue was not able to reproduce by developer then we need to show again as how to reproduce the issue.

  So better always maintain the screen shots as proof and provide it along with bug.


If the bug was not reproducable, what is the next step? : If the issue is not able to reproduce in dev environment then try it in testing environment, if it's still not able to reproduce in test environment then try to show the screen shot as issue is there while doing our testing. This will naturally happens when there is conflict in the versions, or if some one upload the new version files with out following the process.



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  • Dec 11th, 2008

Reproducing Bug : It Means.After reporting the bug to the dev. team,If anyone wants to raise like"We are not able to address this bug,Can u reproduce this once again".
Next Step : The tester again retest and has to produce the bug.
Note : Route path should bot change while retesting.


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Whenever I find a defect, I will Re-test that defect and make sure that it is

What if bug is not reproducible,

1) It might be because of inconsistent bug, so we need to trace how often
this bug is reproducible and in bug report I will comment that it is not

2) Generally while I am testing the application, I will try to take the
snapshot of the error in its first occurrence itself, and next i will try to
reproduce it again and if it is not reproducible then in our daily meetings with
development team we will inform about the bug with what ever proof we have and
also inform that it is not reproducible. In future builds we will give special
importance to those areas try to find the root cause of such defects.

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