Is retesting is a part of regression testing or regression testing is a part of retesting?

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  • Jul 10th, 2006

I hope Retesting and regreesion testing are different.

Retesting means we testing only the certain part of an application again and not considering how it will effect in the other part or in the whole application.

Regresstion testing - Testing the application after a change in a module or part of the application for testing that, is the code change will affect rest of the application.

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  • Jul 14th, 2006

The repetition of same test on same wheel more than one time called retesting.

Repetion of a test one or more than one time with multipe test data on modified build is called regression testing. 

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  • Jul 14th, 2006

Reexecution of the test with multiple inputs is called Retesting.

Testing with the intent of fixing the bugs and have not created any new problems is Regression Testing.

So both are different,.

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  • Jul 17th, 2006

Techniqually there is no concept of Retesting,But some how it is used in testing world.

Retesting is process of repetation of old test cases.

Regression testing is done when there is change in software i.e. Defact has been fixed ,New funtionality is added or deleted.We comapre newer version with older version.   

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  • Jul 25th, 2006

Retesting is re-execution of the same build. i.e running the same test over again to check the precision of the application.Regression testing is re-execution of a modified build. i.e verifying that the previously passed tests are OK after a change/fix has been made to the software and if it does not affect other components of the software.

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Kumar Surapaneni

  • Sep 4th, 2006

Retesting and Regression Testing R Different.

Retesting: Testing the application on same build with Different Test Data.

Regression : Testing the Application when there is any  Modification or Change in Functionality .

Reexecution of test data .

Rerunning of previously Procedures .

Compare the result with previous Test Result.

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  • Nov 13th, 2006


Retesting means we are going to check whether the bug is fixed or not

where as in regression testing we are going to check due to the fixation

of the bug we got any side effects in the application or not



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Re-testing - testing a certain part of application without considering whether it will effect other part of the application.

Regression - testing  the application after a change in a module or part of the application to check the side effects on other parts of the application.

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