There are several format specifiers available in printf. The format specifier used varies depending on the data type used for printing. The given below are some of the format specifiers used with printf in C program.
For integer data type the format specifier used with printf is %d or %i
For float data type the format specifier used with printf is %f
For double data type the format specifier used with printf is %lf
For char data type the format specifier used with printf is %c
For string data type the format specifier used with printf is %s
Apart from this the other format specifiers used with printf are
For displaying a number in scientific notation %e is used with printf.
To get the output in next line the new line character n is used with printf.
To get a % sign in output the used symbol along with printf is %%.
Thus format specifiers are used based on data type and are used to get the output in desired format.
What are the Format Specifiers used with printf?
There are several format specifiers available in printf. The format specifier used varies depending on the data type used for printing. The given below are some of the format specifiers used with printf in C program.
Apart from this the other format specifiers used with printf are
Thus format specifiers are used based on data type and are used to get the output in desired format.
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