Define Inter system testing, Intra system testing,End to end testing, Monkey testing

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Vishal Mehta

  • Aug 3rd, 2006

End to End Testing

It is testing the complete software against real world data, actions and environment. It is like system testing

Monkey Testing

It is Negative Testing testing. It is testing software against input, data and actions that are not exepected to be used by the end user. It is performed to check how the software reacts to the unknownnot defined input.

InterSystem Testing


  • To ensure interconnection between application functions correctly.

  • Determine Proper parameters and data are correctly passed between the applications
  • Documentation for involved system is correct and accurate.
  • Ensure Proper timing and coordination of functions exists between the application system.

I apologize I have no information on Intra-System Testing. Please update us on this information if available and possible


Vishal Mehta

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  • Sep 11th, 2006

Inter system testing:It is also known as Interoperatability testing. Test engineers are validating whether our application build in co existence with other software application to share common resources.

Ex:loan system software is sharing database of accounting system in a bank.

Intra system testing:To test the entire application with out distrubing the functionality of program.

End to end testing:System testing is performed by end users to determine the software is ready for final is usually performed by the customer or end user after the testing group has statisfactorily completd usability , function and system testing.

Monkey testing:TEST ING  is conducted on the main activites of build only due to lack of time. This type of testing is called as MONKEY testing or chimpanzee testing.

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