Define datastructure?

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  • Jul 22nd, 2006

A data structure is a group of data elements grouped together under one name. These data elements, known as members, can have different types and different lengths.

anupam roy

  • Jul 28th, 2006

Data structure means how the data is organized in memory.There are diferent kind of data structures. Some are used to store the data of same type and some are used to store different types of data.


  • Aug 4th, 2006

data structure is a combination of two or more datatype elements

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  • Aug 5th, 2006

data structure:

it is the way of organising the data items.

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  • Aug 10th, 2006

a data structure is defined as a way of representing data in computer memory,it may int type to complex data involving many types structure is of two types linear and non linear .linear implies to array and non linear implies to linked list

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  • Oct 30th, 2006

A small mistake in the above comment..!Data Structures are of two types...They are 1.(linear) Sequential -- linkedlists,trees 2.(Non-linear) Non-Sequential -- Arrays ( Since U can access any value directly from an Array Ex: arr[2],arr[7] )But in linked lists u should go one by one to access a particular location..! hence it is sequential..!

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  • Oct 30th, 2006

Linear datastructures are accessed non-sequentially... Example:- arr[8],arr[4]Non-Linear data stuctures are accessed sequentially..

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  • Nov 3rd, 2006

Data structure is method ,which defines how the elements or datas can be arranged or grouped.

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  • Nov 5th, 2006

The most common organization for components is a linear structure. A structure is linear if it has these 2 properties:

Property P1
Each element is `followed by' at most one other element.
Property P2
No two elements are `followed by' the same element.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2006


it is defined as the logically related data in a sequencial manner.



sivaram murthy

  • Nov 25th, 2006

data structures is a method of representin data. it not only deals with raw data but also involves the relationship between data. further knowledge of this relationship may help us devise better algorithms to work on it.

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

Data structures study of  the representation of data in the computers memory(i.e., logical or the mathematical representation)


Data structures can be defined as triple { D,F,A}

Where D is Data, F is a set of function and A is the set of axioms

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visitor R

  • Dec 26th, 2006

data structure is the collection of data elements that can stored in memory either linearly or non-linearly.for ex.arrays,trees respectively.

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A data structure is a logical mode of a particular organization of data..
the choice of particular data structure depends on the following consideration: must able to represent the inherent relationship of the data in real world.

2.It must be simple enough so that it can process efficiently as when necessary.

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swati bhagat

  • Aug 3rd, 2011

Data Structure is the way of storing the data in memory such that large amount of data can be store in memory of system.

by applying operation are:-

1) Sorting
2) Traversing
3) Searching

siva aarthi

  • Sep 21st, 2011

Data structure means how the data is organized in memory.There are different kind of data structures.

actual implementation of a particular ADT.

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pradeep gupta

  • Sep 23rd, 2011

data structure is a logical or mathematical model of a particular organization of a data items.

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  • Oct 9th, 2011

Data structure is logical way of analyzing the data

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  • Feb 27th, 2012

Data Structure is way of organizing data in memory so as to use it in an efficient manner and is best suited for the algorithm to be implemented.

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  • Mar 4th, 2012

Data Structure is the way of organizing data as per the requirement and defining few operations that can be operated on it

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