What is Mututation Testing??Plz giv with Eg..

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  • Jul 5th, 2006

For my knowledge , the combination of Operational testing and Execution testing is working fine or no, to check this we can say Mututation Testing. We can find this in Unit Testing Phase.

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 Software is first tested using an initial testing method based on white box strategies,

After the initial testing is complete, make a few arbitrary changes (e.g. altering the arithmetic operator, changing the value of a constant, changing a data type) to a program, this change is called a mutant. Again test with the full test suite available for the program. There must be at least one test case to find the change .if the test suit fails to find the mutant, update the test suite to find the mutant.

 In simple, you intentionally insert a bug into the program and check whether your test case suite is able to find it or not .i.e. you are validating efficiency of your test case suit.


Formal Definition:


A testing methodology in which two or more program mutations are executed using the same test cases to evaluate the ability of the test cases to detect differences in the mutations

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  • Jul 8th, 2006

Mutation testing is basically observed in UNIT TESTING, this testing is performed with the help of the white box testing techniques.

UNIT Testing is generally categorized into three
1) Executable testing
2) Operation testing
3) Mutation testing

UNIT testing is done at module level, the main aim of this testing is to cover each and every part of the code. IN executable testing the test engineers generally concentrate on individual statements, paths coverage, and loops coverage. IN operation testing they test the code on different PLATFORMS.

Here PLATFORMS means on different OPERARING SYSTEMS and various customer expected configurations.

The last one is the important one i.e., Mutation testing, in this test engineer intentionally or deliberately modifies a part of the code and perform the above two testing (executable testing and operation testing) and the test engineers expect an error after changing the code, even after changing the code the program works correctly and safely. then it is returned back to the development team for modifications. Of all unit testing, Mutation testing is the important one, since it decides the fate of the code...

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Mutation testing introduces defects into source code in order to determine whether tests are valid.  Tests that pass after the source code is mutated are considered to be defective or inadequate. 

When A and B occurs, C = 12
A accepts X as input; B accepts Y as input

When A or B occurs, C = 12 

Input X into A and Y into B
If C still equals 2, then the data (inputs X and Y) are not useful and this is considered an defective test. 

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Mutation testing introduces defects into source code in order to determine whether tests are valid. Tests that pass after the source code is mutated are considered to be defective or inadequate.

When A and B occurs C equals 12
A accepts X as input; B accepts Y as input

When A or B occurs C equals 12

Input X into A and Y into B
If C still equals 12 then the data (inputs X and Y) are not useful and this is considered an defective test.

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