I have 2 managers M1 & M2. Sales reps S1 & S2 report to M1. Sales reps S3 & S4 report to M2.S1 has created records r1 & r2, working under manager M1. Now, if the reporting head of S1 is changed from M1 to M2 (i.e., if now the sales rep S1 is placed under M2, instead of M1), will the manager M1 be able to see the records r1 & r2 created earlier by S1, when he was under M1 ?

Questions by chandra_sekhar_crm

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

karthik Himayavaramban

  • Sep 9th, 2006


Yes it's possible to access those two records (r1 & r2) which was created by s1. Because, he created that records when he was worked under M1. So, there is a power to access those records for M1. And one more thing, S1 report to M1 his current status, before he moves to M1 TO M2. So there is a responsibility for s1 to report those record details to M1. Then only M2 knows the current status of S1 through M1.


Karthik Himayavaramban

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

Hi all,

        The records r1 and r2 created by Sales Rep s1 can be viewed by his earlier manager M1 even though his reporting manager change from M1 to M2. Because the positions may change but the organisation structure remain the same.. Hope this clarifies your doubt..



Siebel Admin

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  • May 28th, 2007

    This question is closely revealed to how visibility is controlled at the org hierarchy...
Once the reporting manager changed from M1 to M2 for sales rep S1. The earlier manager is not able to view the current records of Sales rep S1, as the reporting manager is changed from M1 to M2...

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Records created by S1 should not be visible to M1 (after reporting head changes to M2) because, in Manager's view, while fetching records in this view, the system will first refer to S_PARTY table to find out all the subordinate positions for the manager (M1/M2). Thereafter, data created by those subordinates will be pulled for the manager.
In this case, in this Manager's view, since the system will find that S1 is a subordinate of M2 (not M1), hence the records will be shown to M2.

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  • Sep 5th, 2015

No, now manager M1 will not be able to see records which S1 have created because his manager have changed from M1 to M2. so, ideally speaking M2 can see records created by S1.

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