Hi All,For a Technical Recruiter, who does not come from a tech background, the highly technical interview questions confuse me!!!How about a provision for basic interview questions across IT skills, such as Oracle/VB/Networking etc that can help an IT dummy such as myself figure out who is who? Many times, i find that potential resumes look good, but the candidate does not have the skills as listed!!! Please help.Poor confused Recruiter..

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jun 30th, 2006

I wouldn't expect the recruiters at my company to be able to do technical interviews nor be able to even pass along only the best of the best resumes. I expect that they could do some basic prescreening of resumes to weed out people who don't even come close to meeting the basic job requirements (years experience in applicable field, education, etc). Why a recruiter would ask to be part of the technical interview is beyond me -- you guys are experts at getting resumes into the company and into my hands, but I think you're best leaving the technical interviews for the technical people who know the specific technology required for their job.If the technical people don't want to take on more interviewing themselves, you might consider getting them to provide a short written test that can be sent to the candidate to complete and return and ask the technical people to review those answers for correctness and advise you how to proceed

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  • Jul 2nd, 2006

Hi Daisy,

Thanks for replying. I guess my query wasnt precise enough. Even to weed out candidates that do not fit the bill, one needs to have a basic understanding of IT and related certifications. As the subject is too vast for a lay person such as myself, i want to evaluate candiates based on the answers to my questions. For example: Within SAP, there are functional/technical consultants and various modules such as FICO, BW, ABAP etc. So, if i were to call a techno funtional guy, i would certainly want to know what he has worked on..and keywords such as dialogue pool programming, ADE/ALE, IDOCS etc that appear on the resume would be good areas to discuss with the consultant, depending on the client requirement.

Hope the above is not too confusing..when i began IT recruitment over 3 years ago, every resume i read was Greek/Latin to me




  • Jan 28th, 2007

Taking interviews is a skill, a lot of things can not be understood from the resumes, it can be understood from the confidence which can be clearly sighted while asking any of the intricate questions to understand the grasp the question must not require a one word answer but ask the interviewee to recite the whole para with his experiences and IQ.

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