Q.1 .Below mention a tree view of head. If Admin will login with his password, then he can view all from root level to leaf level, but an ordinary user login with his password, then he can view only Term 2 and under Term2 (O, P), but he can't view Term1 and head. HEAD_______|_______ | | term1 term2__|__ __|__T Z O PWRITE TEST CASES FOR THIS

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S.No                   Scenario                                  Goal

(1)                  Admin enters his username            He can veiw all from root

                      as Admin and password                level to tree level as

                      (xxxxxx)                                    mentioned in the tree view

(2)                 Ordinary user enters his                He can view only term 2

                     username as user 1 and                and in term 2 only O,P as

                     password (xxxxxx)                       mentioned in tree view

Test Case #1 for scenario 1 is

S.No        Steps                               Expected                     Test data      

1         Open the login window           Login window is open

          according to requirements

2         Login with admin user              Admin should enter          UN=Admin

           and password in test data        application                    pwd=xxxxxx

3         View the tree view of head       Full tree view

                                                      should be displayed according to


Above is a positive test case,in the same way a negative test case can be created by typing username as "admins" and password as "xxxxxxxxxx" .

For the scenario 2 also a positive test case and negative test case can be created.

We can create around 10 test cases with different possibilities.

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Suppose we have 3 users one is Admin and the other 2 is Genral users.
1. Admin-Administrator
2. User1 and user2 -Genral user.

1. Verify the admin user can view and Access user1 and user2.
2. Verify the all rights are available for the admin user.
3. Verify that the user1 and user2 has limited rights compaire to admin

4. Verify that the user1 has not able to access account of user2 and voice

6. Verify that the rights of user1 and user2 are diffrent according to the

8. Verify that admin is able to control both user1 and user2.

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Test Case for Admin

1.Check whether the admin enters the username in the username field
2.Check whether the admin enters the password in the password field
3.Check whether the user name and password matches it moves to the sign in page
4.Verify if the username and Password mismatches it navigates to re-login window
5.Check whether the admin can view all the details of team1 and team2 by entering in to their field

Test cases For Team1

1.Check whether the Team1 enters the username in the username field
2.Check whether the Team1 enters the password in the password field
3.Check whether the user name and password matches it moves to the sign in page
4.Check whether the Team1 can view only  the details of team2 
5.Check it cannot the display other field workers details
6.Check team1 can view his sub-ordinates works or details
7.Verify if the username and Password mismatches it navigates to re-login window

Test cases For Team2

1.Check whether the Team2 enters the username in the username field
2.Check whether the Team2 enters the password in the password field
3.Check whether the user name and password matches it moves to the sign in page
4.Check whether the Team2 can view only  the details of team1
5.Check it cannot the display other field workers details
6.Check team2 can view his sub-ordinates works or details
7.Verify if the username and Password mismatches it navigates to re-login window

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