What is actual difference between Built and a Version?

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  • Jun 8th, 2006

plz check it s build


build:it is a complete project ready for execution at customer site.

version: modifications in a build will be released as versions 

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  • Jun 9th, 2006


Build is once we code all the modules it needs to be integrated.i mean it contains no of files,funtions,libraries.Creating the final executable from these components is call ed build. we use tools like ANT which is a build tool for java applications.

Whereas a version is a change done to a module.

I think you might have understood now.



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  • Jun 12th, 2006

with in a company a software is tested ,on that behalf some changes took place again and again .The changes took place again and again with in a organistation is called built and if the changes took place after the releasing the software called version.


please guys suggest me either i am write or not or you can mail me at rahul_g109@rediffmail.com

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  • Jun 16th, 2006

             I do accept with most of ur views u have expressed.actually BUILD is nothing but a project which is developed in the company with respect to customer requirements,where are version can be given two meanings here 1) when there is any bug while testing ,the send the bulid to the development side ,so the testing people send the build many times to the development side ,so in order to maintain the difference between the old bulid and modified build they maintain version numbers and coming to the second one ........2)the extension to the old build ,that is adding new features to the old build and keeping a tag for it is called as version.


  • Jun 29th, 2006

Hi guys,

        A build contains all the modified executable files, where as a version is changed as and when the modification is done to the present code.

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  • May 25th, 2012

When each of the different modules of software is prepared, they are put in a single folder by the Configuration Management Team (CMT) and it is called the ‘Build’.
An application under test is called a build.
Version: It shows how many iterations each build has taken throughout the sw development .

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