What is Defect Life Cycle in Manual Testing?

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  • Jun 14th, 2006


The Defect life cycle is same for both manual and atumation Testing..

There is no Difference .

During Testing ( May be manual Or Automation ) if we will find any defects we have to report this defect to T.L and D.L

After that they will decide whether it is a actual defect to fix or not.

if Yes ,then D.L will assign it to any  Bug related Developer

so Developer will fix it as per requirement and he/she will inform to Testing Engineer/ T.L / D.L

after that testing engineer will rest it again .if it is ok then fine otherwise it will follow the same path again........


Biswajit Pani ( 09986183456 )



  • Jun 21st, 2006

Defect Life Cycle is the Cycle thru which a defect goes starts when defect found & ends when defect is closed after ensuring its not reproduced.Defect Life cycle is related to Bug found during testing so it doesn depend on Manual & Automated Testing.

Phases of Defect Life Cycle is

1. New : When Defect disccovered.

2.Open: When defect is addressed to the developer. It may then be Rejected, said to be duplicate or deferred.

3. Fix : when it is fixed or defect solved by developer.

4.Close : After defect addressed by developer it comes to Tester to Test, once assured its no more a defect its is Close phase.

There are more phases to this if it is to be  discussed  in too details but on primary level this is the right answere.


  • Jun 24th, 2006

Defect Life Cycle starts when the tester identify the defects in the software under test. In Defect Life Cycle different stakeholders involves they are, 1. Tester, 2. Developers, 3. Project Manager.There are different status : NEW, OPEN, REJECTED, POSTPONED, CLOSED, INPROGRESS, RETEST, ASSIGNED.

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  • Aug 16th, 2006

hi mab,..

  can u explain me in more detail,...

   I am entaitled to attened an interview in the next week,.. so please help me for that!!!


  • Oct 5th, 2006

The Defect Life cycle in Manual testing:

1.Defect Id.

2.Description .

3. Build version


5.Test case name.





10.If YES.

11.If No.

12.Detected by.

13.Detected on.

14.Assigned to.

15. suggested fix.

sudhakar kolla.

My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

My Number:09819859346.


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Defect life cycle is same for manual as well as automated.Main thing is defect life cycle not the type of testing(manual or automated).Because the aim is same of both type of testing that is Bug Finding.Simplest Cycle is Bug open>fixed>retested>closed.

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  • Jan 25th, 2007

HelloCan you plz let me know how can we specify or judge the Severity in Defect life Cycle.what are the options of Severity.Thanks

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  • Feb 6th, 2007

Defect or Bug will be resolved by Concern Developer.

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  • Apr 3rd, 2007

1. User Interface Defects -------------------------------- Low

2. Boundary Related Defects ------------------------------- Medium

3. Error Handling Defects --------------------------------- Medium

4. Calculation Defects ------------------------------------ High

5. Improper Service Levels (Control flow defects) --------- High

6. Interpreting Data Defects ------------------------------ High

7. Race Conditions (Compatibility and Intersystem defects)- High

8. Load Conditions (Memory Leakages under load) ----------- High

9. Hardware Failures:-------------------------------------- High

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Defect life cycle (common view):::

But sometimes this cycle ll be:::

         New(as found defect)
         Open(Assign 2 concerned Dev.)
         Open(Dev found, defect s minor 2 fix, Assign 2 PM)
         Open(PM Also think , no need 2 fix,assign 2 Tester)

         Resolved won't fix(tester finds general failure case,assign 2 PM)

        Open(PM decides 2 fix it,inform 2 dev.)

         open(dev. fix it, assign 2 tester)
          Resolved as Fixed(Tester Retest it,,)

         Fixed as closed(Tester finally change status CLOSE)

if any thnk wrng ,, thn sry..

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  • Jun 25th, 2007

Defect Tracking Process. 1. The Tester/Developer finds the Bug

2. exports the Defect in the Defect Tracking Tool. Status “Open

3. The concerned Developer is informed

4. The Developer fixes the Defect

5. The Developer changes the Status to “Resolved”

6. If the Defect re-occurs, the status changes to “Re-Open” and again The concerned Developer is informed

7. The Tester Re-Tests and changes Status to “Closed” The Tester/Developer finds the Bug.

Reports the Defect in the Defect Tracking Tool. Status “Open”
The concerned Developer is informed
The Developer fixes the Defect
The Developer changes the Status to “Resolved”
The Tester Re-Tests and changes Status to “Closed”
If the Defect re-occurs, the status changes to “Re-Open”

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The Life cycle of the Defect varies from Concern to concern, however find below the life cycle used in generic.

a. Once the Defect is found the status will be "NEW"
b. Then the defect will be mapped to Business Triage people where they will change the status to either "Accepted" or "Rejected". While they are reviewing the defect it will be in the status "Under Review".
c. If the defect is "Rejected" then the Defect will be closed.
d. If the defect is "Accepted" then it will mapped to the Developer.
e. The developed will fix the defect and change the status to "Fixed" and assign it back to Tester.
f. The tester will retest the defect and change the status either to "Closed" if the defect is resolved or to "Reopen" and assigns back to the developer if still the defect prevails.
g. If the Defect is reopened the Cyclic flow  from step "d" to "f" will happen till the defect is closed.


  • Sep 25th, 2010

Defect life cycle starts at the point whenever we found any bug and verified that this error in software is bug. Just like every things life cycle this bug also have life cycle which start with the status of New as we found this new bug in software then it goes to other stage of cycle its open means its verified that its a bug and send in open status to developers or developers TL to further verify that this is bug, they found it bug then sent to new stage its assigned to developer or who ever is there to fix it then when ever it clear that bug is fixed it goes to fix status and send back to tester for verification tester check it and found it that now its fixed he closed it and the life cycle of bug is completed.

The bug life cycle have 5 major status points -
1. New
2. Open
3. Assigned
4. Fixed
5. Closed

(in between there are few many other sub status like - verify, rejected,
deferred, valid, invalid etc.).

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  • Sep 24th, 2011

for every bug you should not ask your T.L or D.L you know the product feature then you have to decide whether it is a bug or not and here we are talking about defect life cycle not for to whom we should approach after filing the bug.

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  • Sep 26th, 2011

Defect Cycle is :--

3)Fix/Deferred/Not a Fault/
4)Restest if it is a fix.
5)Reopen or close accordingly.

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Anila Philip

  • Oct 3rd, 2012

1.Posted Bug with status Open
2. Retest wen got fixed report from dev.
3. If the bug fixed ->Closed
4. Else Reopen and retest again and again untill it become closed

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  • Nov 26th, 2013

1.when a bug is found,status will be new and then open
2.when bug will be assined to the developer,status will be assigned,
3.when developer will accept that bug,and starts working for that bug,status will be work on progress,
4.if he will reject that bug,if that bug is not genuine,status will be-rejected
5.if the he will decide to solve it in next release: status will ve differed.
6.if two same bug is raised.status will be: duplicate
7.when developer will fix the bug: status will be fixed.
8.then tester will verify that the bug is fixed or not.if it is fixed then status will be:verified, other wise:reopened
9.After verification completes,the bug status will be closed

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  • Jan 16th, 2014

Defect life cycle starts when defect is found and ends when defect is closed.
Defect life cycle following steps or status-
New-When defect is logged/Posted for the first time.Its state given as new.

Assigned-After the tester has posted the bug, the lead of tester approves the bug to corresponding developer and developer team.

Open-At this state the developer has started analyzing and working on the defect fix.

Fixed-When developer makes necessary code changes or verifies changes then he can make bug status as "fixed"and the bug is passed to testing team.

Verified-The tester tests the bug again after it got fixed by the developer.If the bug is not present software he approves that the bug is fixed and changes the status as "verified".

Reopen-If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed by the developer the tester changes the status to "reopened".

Closed-Once the bug is fixed, it is tested by the tester. he changes the status of the bug to "Closed".

Duplicate-If the bug is repeated twice or two bugs are mentioned same concept of the bug then one bug status is changed to "Duplicate".

Rejected-If the developer feels the bug is not genuine ,he rejects the bug.Then the state of the bug is changes to "Rejected".

Deferred-means the bug is expected to be fixed in the next releases.

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Prabhu Prasad Mishra

  • Apr 14th, 2014

Defect Life Cycle-
Bug Found--> Status(New)-->Assigned to Developer--> Status(Review)--> Valid?--> No(Status(Rejected))-->If Yes (Verify defect is within scope)--> No(Status(Deferred))--> If Yes (Verify defect already exists)--> If Yes (Status(Duplicate))--> If No (Assign to Developer)--> Status(In Progress)--> Defect Fixed--> Status(Fixed)--> Assigned to Tester-->If test Pass--> Status(Closed)--> If Test fails--> Reassigned to Developer.
If after the bug fixing, the same issue is raised again--> Status(Re-opened)

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  • Nov 26th, 2014

Once the bug has been identified it will be assigned as new and the development TL will check whether its a valid bug if it so with low priority it will be in the status as deferred (later) if it is an invalid bug the TL will mark the status as rejected but if its a valid bug with high priority it will be opened and assigned to a developer who will fix the bug and again it will be sent to the tester for retest if the bug has been gone through it gets closed or else it will again be reopened and the loop continues. NEW-->OPEN-->ASSIGN-->FIX-->RETEST-->PASS-->CLOSE or FAIL-->REOPEN

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  • Dec 16th, 2014

New>open state>assign to developers>verify>if No then Rejected or differed state>If yes then fix it and again send to tester>again test the bug if fix then close it.

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  • Dec 22nd, 2014

When the bug is raised by tester then it is in NEW state--> ASSIGN that bug to developer ---> Then the dev OPEN the bug and starts working on it ----> Dev change the bug status as FIXED --> Then the tester RETEST/VERIFY that bug and it is passed then the bug status is CLOSED.
The Concerned Dev reject the bug then it is in INVALID state.....
The fixed bug is again failed in retesting phase then the bug is in REOPEN state and ASSIGN to the dev.

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