What is the Difference between Retest and Regression Testing?

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  • Jun 8th, 2006

Retest is testing the application with multiple sets of data.

Regression testing is to test the modified build

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Anand Sharma

  • Jun 9th, 2006

If you have raised a bug and after the developer fixes it, testers need to verify that whether after fix the functionality is as expected. The process is call retest. On the other hand Regression testing is the process where the software under test goes through multiple release( i.e build release) and every time we have to run the whole set of test cases to ensure that after every release the software confirms with the requirements.

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Dileep Kumar.G

  • Jun 10th, 2006



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 Testing for the solved/fixed bugs in new release will be retesting.

Testing the new functionality or testing the application again in new release to check that implementing new functionality or solvation of reported issues has not created new bugs in the same form

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  • Jun 14th, 2006

Dear friend

My answer will be quite large..

Please go through it........

Regression Testing is the Re-execution of the same test cases which has executed once before to check that the reported bugs has fixed properly and it has not created any other  new defects during fixing the reported one..

There are 3 types of Regression Testing

1) UNIT Regression Testing

2) REGIONAL Regression Testing

3) FULLY Regression  Testing

Unit Regression Testing means suppose you are conform that if we will fix this bug then it has no side effect ( it will not create any other defects ). in this case no need to go for related area testing

Regional Regression Testing means suppose there is a chance of distrubance of a particular region if we will fix this bug. then this time we should go for that particular regression testing of that region....

FULLY Regression Testing means suppose there is a chance of distrubance of fully built if we will fix this bug. Then in this case we should go for regression testing of Full built.........



If still any doubt contact with me


Biswajit pani ( 9986183456 )


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  • Jun 15th, 2006

can u brief me about retesting?

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  • Jun 16th, 2006


               It is the process of Reproducing the same by the devolepor after fixing it to the Testor.


               Whenever a new functionality is incorporated in to the application we have to make sure that it should not give adverse effect to the sorrounding functionality.So, in this testing again we need to for first to last means whatever the functionalities are effected with that particular functionality.

                 And it is a very Time Taken Process.

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Unit regression testing cannot be equal to regression testing as regression testing is testing done on a modified build. retesting is not done on a modified build, (retesting is testing done on same build - testing done for rechecking the test casses prepared for the day).

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SQA Guest

  • Jun 28th, 2006

Retesting - testing what developer fixed or developed.

Regression - ensuring nothing else got broke during the fixes associated to the release.

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Manish Thakur

  • Jul 20th, 2006

Regression testing is the testing of an application on new build or version or change in the application environment.

Retesting is testing an application again and again, this can be as simple as just opening an application and closing it for checking the memory leak bug.

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  • Aug 8th, 2006

Ans:- Retest: Testing the same application with different input values is retesting.

Regression: After fixing bug in application we re-execute the application to ensure bug fixing work to be done or not and occurance of side effect due to modification on the application.

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  • Sep 20th, 2006

Retesting: Retesting means, when u retest the fun. after it has been fixed by the developer.Regression testing: Regression testing means when we test the app. after some modifications

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  • Sep 26th, 2006

retest- re-testing with different input values for same application

regression- re-testing with different input values for modified Application

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  • Oct 2nd, 2006

 Retest : To test again.
A second or repeated test.
Regression Testing:Regression testing is the process of testing changes to computer programs to make sure that the older programming still works with the new changes. Regression testing is a normal part of the program development process and, in larger companies, is done by code testing specialists. Test department coders develop code test scenarios and exercises that will test new units of code after they have been written. These test cases form what becomes the test bucket. Before a new version of a software product is released, the old test cases are run against the new version to make sure that all the old capabilities still work. The reason they might not work is because changing or adding new code to a program can easily introduce errors into code that is not intended to be changed.
sudhakar kolla.
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abhishek chakhiyar

  • Oct 12th, 2006

retesting;  testing the failure test case

REgression "Testing the side effect due to code changes"



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  • Dec 18th, 2006

Regression testing is carried out to ensure that the bug never occurs again in a test case after consequent changes made in the program, where as retesting is carried out to confirm the bug whether it is a bug or not by giving different input values.

            Regression testing is carried out only after fixing up the errors. Retesting is carried out in each and every part of testing if necessary.       



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