What is the main difference between bind parameter and lexical parameter where are they used can anyone please illustrate with example?

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  • Jun 27th, 2006

Bind Parameters are denoted by (:) Used to get the value from the User.

Lexcial Parmeters are denoted by (&) Used to get the Clause from the User.

Forms, Pl/Sql and SQL - we can use both. Reports - we can use Bind Paramters.


  • Mar 19th, 2008

Both could be used in reports as well as forms.

In reports Lexical parametrs are used to create the where clause of the Report query dynamically.


select * from em where &p_emp;

and in the after parameter form trigger you can set the values of the where clause as:

p_emp:='emp_name like %:p_emp_name% '


  • Sep 18th, 2008


 The bind parameter is prefixed with ':' and it is used to accept and refer the value while executing the queries where as lexical parametes (prefixed with '&') are used to build report queries dynamically. Bind parametes can be used in Report and Forms but lexical parameters can be used on reqports only.



  • Apr 1st, 2009

Both are used in reports.
Differences between bind and lexical references

Bind references are used to replace a single value in SQL or PL/SQL. Specifically, bind references may be used to replace expressions in SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING,CONNECT BY, and START WITH clauses of queries.
Bind references may not be used in a FROM clause.
 An example is:

Lexical references are placeholders for text that you embed in a SELECT statement, when you want the parameter to substitute multiple values at runtime. You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH. You cannot make lexical references in PL/SQL. Before you reference a lexical parameter in a query you must have predefined the parameter and given it an initial value.
An example is: SELECT ORDID, TOTAL

A reference to a parameter used to represent a string of text in a SQL SELECT statement. For a lexical reference, you must precede the parameter name with an ampersand (&).

You cannot make lexical references in a PL/SQL statement. You can, however, use a bind reference in PL/SQL to set the value of a parameter that is then referenced lexically in SQL.

If a column or parameter is used as a lexical reference in a query, its data type must be character.


  • Feb 16th, 2017

Bind references are used to replace a single value in SQL or PL/SQL. Specifically, bind references may be used to replace expressions in SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING,CONNECT BY, and START WITH clauses of queries.

SELECT Col1,Col2 FROM XX_Table WHERE Col1 = :P_col1;

Bind parameters are used to substitute single value at runtime for evaluation and are identified by a preceding ‘:’

Lexical references are placeholders for text that you embed in a SELECT statement. You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH. You cannot make lexical references in PL/SQL. Before you reference a lexical parameter in a query you must have predefined the parameter.


Lexical parameters are used to substitute multiple values at run time and identified by a preceding ‘&’. Lexical can consist of as little a one line where clause to an entire select statement

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  • Nov 2nd, 2017

Bind replaces single value in SQL as input
Lexical replaces a statement in SQL as input
Both are used in Oracle Reports

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  • Nov 8th, 2017

What is key.next.item trigger?

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  • Dec 16th, 2018

key next item trigger fires when we move next item(key board events such like tab or enter), it ill not fire when we click mouse to another item.

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  • Dec 16th, 2018

bind refrences uses :varname
lexical refrences uses &varname in sql statement

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