What is the order of intialization of variables in Java.

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  • Jun 12th, 2006

When an object is created, all its fields are set to default initial values for their respective types(zero for all numeric types, false for boolean, u000 for char, and null for object reference.)

Then the constructor is invoked. Each constructor has 3 phases.

  1. 1. Invoke a superclass's constructor
  2. 2.Initialize the fields using their initializers and any initialization blocks.
  3. 3.Execute the body of the constructor.

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Class initialization takes place before any instance of the class can be created or a static method of the class can be invoked. A superclass is initialized before its subclasses are initialized. Initializing a class involves initialization of the static fields by executing their static initializer expressions and execution of any static initializer blocks.

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  • Feb 15th, 2008

first of all declare a memory block according to data type
assign var name
initite by def valuew
assign orignal value

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In Java the variable initialization should be in order.  The order is:

1. Static block variables initialize at first
2. Static method of variables initialize second
3. Static variables initialize third
4. Constructor variables initialize at fourth
5. and then Instance Variables initialize at last.

This is the way and order of initialization variables in Java.

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