Can anyone Explain Order Management Flow in detail?

Questions by shravanamsharat   answers by shravanamsharat

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Jun 6th, 2006

Create Sale order >

in the Header Level - enter customer name whos should be having both Bill to and Sit to Address> enter Payment Terms> enter the pricing > enter the transaction Type of that sale, then go to Line  item and pick the invenotiable ( or ono inventoribale item) items from item master from the Sub Inventroy Orginsation, then attch this line to a particular sales man or collection agent.

Save the data, ( Line statius is 'Entered') then book the order ( shows the line status as " line is awating shippment" ( order status will be 'booked' > release the sales order > ( Line status will be " Picked") and ship the Materail which eventually show the line status as 'closed'.

this shows the inventroy is credited with inventory Cost and COGS is Debited

The next face is interfacing to AR ( Autoinvoicing Rule)  - Customer is Debited and Sales is Credited.

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  • Jun 15th, 2006


1) Enter ORder

2) Book Order

3) Pick Release

4) Ship Confirm

5) Inventory Interface

6) Autoinvoice Interface


MMitraa....:)) Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Oct 15th, 2006

If the person knows the right answer please post ur answer. don't mislead the questionaire.The OM Sales Order Flow is as followsHeader Status:Entered,Booked.Line Status for Std SO/Normal SO.Entered,Booked,Picked,Shipped,Closed

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  • Aug 16th, 2007

the flow of the order mgmt is

1) Enter the Sales Order : Here we get the sales order from Customer

2)Book order                   : Here Customer Confirm the Order 

3)Pick Release                 : Release the meterial from inventory

4)Pick Confirm                 : Here we can confirm all the goods are released

5)Ship Confirm                 :  Delivery details and shiping details

6)Auto Invoice                 :  Generate the invoice 

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1) Enter the Sales Order: This part includes Entering the Header first.
To enter the header we need the customer and it locations details. The order type and the sales rep details. In the others tab enter the tax code and Warehouse.
Now in the lines tab - Enter the item, Qty & Schedule ship date.

2) Book Order: Untill the order is booked the order cant be progressed. Booking Kicks off the workflow associated with the Order type and shipping process can be started now.

3) Pick Release: In the Release window we release the order to make sure it is ready for shippment. one Delivery document created in this process. This process performs a move order transaction in inventory and the items are moved to Stagging from sub inventory.

4) Ship Confirm: This part is moving the items from stagging to the customer. Three major program runs in this process
     a) Interface trip stop
     b) Bill of Lading
     c) Commercial invoice.

5) Auto Invoice: Generate the invoice

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  • Apr 8th, 2014

order creation

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Anusha Gopinath

  • Jun 28th, 2017

Order Management can be explained in two ways: Quote to Cash or Order to Cash cycles.
Order to Cash cycle: This begins from entering an order into the Oracle system. This can be a manual entry or an order import. An order first of all has two regions on the header and the other is the line. At the Order header, customer information is mandatory. Move to the lines level after entering the customer information. At lines, the item information is a mandate. Input that and click on the button Book Order. At this stage the Order header has a status as Booked and the line has a status as Awaiting Shipping. The next step is to check your inventory to see from where you can fulfill the order. This process of informing the inventory manager to pick the item from a particular location is called pick release. Pick release can be done manually through the Pick Release form or through an SRS program. Once pick released, the order header will have a status Booked and the line will have a status Released to Warehouse. The next step is to pick confirm the order. This in lay man terms means, to pick the item from the inventory and send it to the staging deck, fro where it is shipped to the customer. This can be done from the Transact move order form. Once pick confirmed, the order header will have status Booked, and line will have the status Picked. At this stage the order cannot be cancelled. The last but one process is to ship confirm the order. Here the carrier details are fetched and the item is packed and kept ready to be sent to the customer. This is done via the shipping transaction form. Deliveries and the Trips are assigned and the button Ship Confirm is pressed. At this stage, the Interface Trip Stop program is triggered and the Order details are interfaced to the AR tables for invoicing. The order header status and line status will now be changed to Closed. At the AR responsibility, the invoice is created and sent to the customer for payment. This data is then posted to GL. The process ends here.

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  • May 15th, 2018

Base tables - oe_order_headers_all,oe_order_lines_all,wsh_delivery_details,wsh_delivery_schedules

1) Enter sales Order
header_status(flow status code) - Entered
Line_Status - Entered

2) Book Sales Order
Header Status - Booked
Line Status - Awaiting Shipping
Delivery Status - R (Ready to Release)

3) Launch Pick Release
Header Status - Booked
line Status - Awaiting Shipping
Delivery status - S (Release to ware house)
after launch pick release 3 programs will be kicked off
Pick slip report
auto pack report
shipping exception report

4) Pick confirm
Header Status - Booked
Line status - Awaiting shipping
Delivery status - Y (Pick confirm)

5) Ship confirm
Header status - Booked
Line status - closed
delivery status - C (ship confirm)
after ship confirm, 5 programs will be kicked off
B- Bill of ladding
c- commercial invoice report
i - interface trip stop report
p - packing slip report
v - vehicle load sheet details

6) workflow background process

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