In software testing generally it happens that when a tester finds a bug in a piece of software then the chances of finding another increases.. Why So

Questions by subhashree.patra   answers by subhashree.patra

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • May 30th, 2006

Well this question is coming under the attitude of a good test Engineer. and one of the attitude of a good test engineer is "test to break" attitude . so after finding a bug the mentality of a software tester becomes high to get another bug...

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Except in Adhoc/few other testing types/techniques,tester will and has to execute the test cases that are designed.He will find the defects only by the designed test cases .If we find a defect by executing a test case,it is not mandatory that he has to or will find more defects by executing remaining test cases.What i want to say is if a tester finds some critical defects ,his confidence will increase and try to do adhoc testing with an assumption to find the hidden defects.Due to this reason,defect detection will be high if the tester has full confidence.

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Let me tell you will ane example:

suppose you have 10 pages in a web application, and each page has a next Button, as next button function is available in all the pages developers will write a single function for the next button for all 10 pages, and if there is an issues in that function, and the issue is whenever i am clicking the next button, a new window is opening instead of opening the page in same window.
so in any page if i am clicking the next button the issue will be there, so whenever i find a defect there is a possibility of having similar defects

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