What are the different types, methodologies,approaches,Methods in software testing

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  • May 31st, 2006

1.There are mainly three types of testing Blackbox testing,white box testing and greybox testing.

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  • Jun 1st, 2006

Basically we having two types of testing.

1.Black box testing-Not based on any internal knowledge of an application.Testing based on requierements and funtionality.

2.White box testing-It based on internal logic of an applicaion code.Testing based on coverage of code statement,branches,paths,loop and condition.

Methodologies of testing is way to conduct testing,like a execution plan and look like a test staregy.

Startagy of testing is

1black box and white box.

Methodologies of testing

Verification and validation

Validation of testing is

Unit testing,system testing,Integration testing ,useracceptance testing etc.

Bacially cmm,Ieee and cmmi are the process models.

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M Karunakaran

  • Jun 8th, 2006

There are two types of testing.

1.Funcitional - the system and non-functional behaviour of the system


Like Load,performance.stress,volume,scalability etc.

Testing Techniques are

1.Block Boxes - which deals with the functional behaviour of the system. There is no need to know the coding and internal structure.

2.While box  - The tester must aware of the internal structure and codes. It is alos called Glass Box techniques.

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  • Sep 29th, 2006

Dear Friend You have given the answer for the testing technics. Testing technics are different from Tesing types.

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

The different methodologies approaches,Methods in software testing  are

Creating a testplan/design, and Executing tests.

sudhakar kolla.

My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

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