What happens when a software tester makes wrong decession

Questions by subhashree.patra   answers by subhashree.patra

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  • May 27th, 2006


Iam not sure what u exactly mean by when a tester makes wrong decision. I assume that this means that a bug has been left undetected.

Generally what happens is that after S/W has passed thro system testing phase prior to live, UAT is conducted in field. The bug which has escaped from system testing generally is caught here since it is done by persons who knows about the application, business requirments of the company/application. In those times testers have tough times(more specifically if it is a high priority bug). Case of overlooking might happen when the requirements and/or system is not clear to the tester as a result of which the test case is not sufficient enough to detect the defect.


Ganesh J

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  • May 28th, 2006

When a tester makes mistakes means..

         It will surly affect the quqlity of the software

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the concept is same, the bug remains undetected. But what i mean here is that when there is heavy pressure the tester has to left some areas untested.Here it totally depends on the tester to determine the important and less important areas.My question is that if thet tester makes wrong decession in determining the important and less important areas and the customer gets bugs from the untested areas....then what action will be taken on the tester ? What will be its effect on the entire testing team ??

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Very Good Question :A tester may generally takes wrong decisions in the below mentioned points.There are other points also like test strategy,test methodology,test plan which are related to experienced testers.So i am not covering those points here.

(1) Test Case Design

(2) Test Execution

(3) Defect Reporting

(4) Defect Validation

If a tester is either involved in all of the above mentioned points or involved in only few ,if he makes mistake in test case design,than the test execution will find a defect,which is not a defect,but it is due to wrong design of test case.If a tester performs a mistake in test execution,than he might have passed a test case which should fail and one of the step in the test case may have a critical defect.If a tester makes a mistake in reporting a defect,a developer takes lot of time to understand that defect and fix it.If a tester pass a defect which should fail while validating or retesting that defect after fixind by the developer,it will definetly creep up in the client environment,which may be a critical defect,which will be very costly to fix that defect .


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  • Sep 18th, 2007

What happens, if no UAT is conducted at client environment? and client found a defect after delivered the application

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