A 10 digit number has it first digit equals to the numbers of 1's, second digit equals to the numbers of 2's, 3rd digit equals to the numbers of 3's .4th equals number of 4’s…till 9th digit equals to the numbers of 9's and 10th digit equals to the number of 0's. what is the number?.(6marks) 2100010006 - ans. but i need the approach..

This question is related to Infosys Interview

Questions by riyazudeen

Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers


  • Jul 13th, 2006


2---shows that two 1's in the ans

1---shows that one 2 in ans

0---shows no 3 in the ans

0---shows no 4 in the ans

0---shows no 5 in the ans

1---shows one 6 in the ans

0---shows no 7 in the ans

0---shows no 8 in the ans

0---shows no 9 in the ans

6---shows six 0's in the ans

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