What is meant by waterfall model?What is advantage and disadvantage of waterfall model?

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  • May 20th, 2006

In this model every phase should be implemented in a sequential manner. output of one phase should be the input for next phase.we select this model if projects is small in size and user requirements are constant . drawbacks: time consuming process. if any mistake in above phases ,same mistake will be repeated till the end of the process.This model does not allow the change of the user requirements.

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The waterfall flows from top to bottom, likewise in this model the process is started when the earlier process gets completed/locked. i.e.,Requirements - Analysis - Design - Coding - Testing - Implementation This model is optimable only when the req's r clear. In this model the tester will feel the last minute pressure as he starts atlast and to deliver it to the implementation. RegardsS.Pradeep Kumar

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Waterfall model refers to a software development process where phases cascade downward from one to another in sequential order much like a cascading waterfall.  The phases are:  1) Requirements, 2) Design, 3) Implementation, 4) Verification, and 5) Maintenance. 


This model is easy to understand and provides a great deal of structure.  This process advocates a great deal of up front planning in order to be effective.  It relies on documentation which is approved and baselined.  It is not possible to proceed to a particular phase until the previous phase has met its requirements.  It is most suitable when requirements are stable and unchanging and when potential problems can be reasonably predicted. 


Some say this model does not allow enough flexibility and that projects can't move forward at a satisfactory pace.  Most companies that want to turn a profit don't want to spend too much time and effort in the planning stage.  Not only that, but most software projects are complex and often change requirements or make enhancement requests throughout the development life cycle. 

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