From 11.5.10....version the GL module has got 2 Key flexfields they are: 1. Reporting Attributes:Accountin 2. Accounting Flexfield.
if i am wrong with flexfields do correct me. Your comments are always appreciated.
Bonthu Nagi Reddy
Mar 5th, 2012
Only one Key Flex filed is in General Ledger i.e Accounting Flexfield.
prathap Reddy
Mar 12th, 2012
now in GL 3 KFFS are there
1) Accounting Flexfield
2) Repeating attributes Flex field
3)gl ledger flex field(this is used for mass allocation purpose whenever we are run the mass allocation generate report that time added one more segment that is gl leder flex filed.
We have 3 KFF in gl module those are
1. accounting key flexfeild: By using accounting key flexfiled we can design our organization structure
2.reporting attribute key flexfield: this key flexfild is used to reporting purpose
3. Gl ledger name key flexfield : This is mirror of the Accounting Key flexfield. what ever we enterd in accounting key flexfield it will copy to GL ledger flexfield and it gives one more segment that will call as SEGMENT it is useful when we are doing FSG and MASS ALLOCATION
Mar 5th, 2016
There is only 1 KFF in the GL module that is the Accounting Flexfield
Sep 22nd, 2016
There is only one key flex field
Feb 27th, 2017
In GL there are 3 KFF
Satish Kumar Reddy T
Jun 7th, 2017
Only one Accounting key flexifield
Sep 5th, 2017
Total we have 39 KFFs
Human resource we have 8 (job, position...)
Inventory we have 7 (Item, item category, stock locators...)
general ledger we have 3 (Accounting, reporting attribute, GL ledger)
How many KFF's are there in GL module in Oracle Apps.?