Dff between OCX , DLL and EXE ?

Questions by pghare

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Sourav Banerjee

  • May 22nd, 2006

Ocx and Dll is more faster than Exe because dll & Ocx  i s in of Process and Exe is Out Of Process

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OCX are the extension of active x components where as dll are library files and siple appliction is exe exe can have OCX and dll according to its usage

its true that OCX and dll are faster then exe

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Kiran Hiremath

  • Nov 30th, 2006

Both Ocx and Dll are in process while Exe is Out process controls.Meaning, Ocx and Dll will not create adifferent process while execution,rather it will use the same process in which the parent application is running which could be an EXE.

Exes' create a different process while executing ,hence there will be delay in execution to handle inter process communication .Note OCX and DLL's donot have independent existance,they should always have a parent process to execute.This is not the case with EXEs'.

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