What happens if you don't specify a Search Record for a Component?

Showing Answers 1 - 11 of 11 Answers


  • May 19th, 2006

if we dont specify the search record, then Component will search for the Search init event for processing

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  • May 31st, 2006

If you dont specify a search record, you wont be able to save the component definition. Seacrh record is always required for the component.


  • May 31st, 2006

If you don't specify a search record then you won't be able to save your component definition. Search record is always mandatory for the component.


  • Jul 19th, 2006

You can specify a dummy search record called - INSTALLATION and the component can be saved. There won't be any search option for the page. It will directly take you to the contents on the page

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  • Mar 17th, 2007

The search record has to be specified else component definition cannot be saved. If the component design is such that no search record is needed to be specified then give the search record as "INSTALLATION". It directly loads the actual page without going to the search page with the information on the page referring to the user who is currently logged in to the peoplesoft portal.

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You will not be able to save the component if you don't specify a search record for a component. If there is no search record for the component, still you have to provide INSTALLATION (dummy search record) as a search record.

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  • Jun 8th, 2017

Search Record is mandatory to be included to save the component. In case we dont have any search record that we need to give PS_INSTALLATION as the Search record to proceed.

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