Please,explain condition records in pricing

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sridhar reddy

  • Jul 3rd, 2006

The "condition record" is a area where the price or value is maintained for a particular condition.

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mohan koujalagi

  • Aug 17th, 2006

condition record is the place where you maintain the specific vale for the perticular condn table. and if that condn is met then the specific value matained against that record will be pulled by the system

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  • Sep 5th, 2006

Simply the Condition Records are nothing but the data used by condition types to calculate pricing

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Shailabh Shukla

  • Sep 11th, 2006

To put it more simply....a condition record is nothing but the price of a product.

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  • Nov 9th, 2006

Condition record is the place, where we maintain the values for materials/services to calculate in the business process. or which values invoves in the data process of the business....

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  • Nov 11th, 2006

(special)price to be maintained for a particular product to a particular customer with  conditions such as   volume offtake,CD payment(immeadiate payment)etc.


  • Dec 6th, 2006

Hi, It is the value for the condition  recorded at Vk11 against the tables in the condition technique.

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  • Dec 20th, 2006

Condition Records allow us to store & retrive pricing data in the system.

The term condition (in pricing) represents the set of circumstances for calculating the prices.

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  • Feb 22nd, 2007

Each sales transaction has a specific scenario, that involves different conditions, different products will have different prices. For example customer1 will buy Computer for $799 but customer2 will buy same type computer under a discount condition and only pay $ does system know what price to choose? Through the use of condition records - Different conditions and the prices associated with each are stored in condition records.

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pradyumna kumar patel

  • Mar 30th, 2007

Condition record is created for a Condition Type. It is a Mater Data ,where values of the condition type are stored/maintained. You can maintain scales( value or quantity) .Any number of scales can be maintained. Condition record has a validity period. it is created on certain fields like customer,material,customer/material etc. These values are retrieved for automatic pricing during sales order processing.

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  • Jun 6th, 2007

Condition record is nothing but price or discount of the product. The T.C is vk11 to maintain the condition records....

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  • Nov 16th, 2007


Condition Record is a area where we maintain the master record of a condition type based on condition table. the master records are stored in key fields of condition table.


Shambhu Sarkar
Certified SAP Consultant

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  • Jan 5th, 2008

What products is being sold,who it is being sold to,and the product group the product belongs to are all conditions and they are seperate situations apply to sale.Different conditions will have different price.The different conditions and different prices assosiated with are stored in Condition records.

Data stored about condtion is maintained condition record.

Condition records is nothing but records (data) stored about the value based on the prices, frieghts, taxes, discounts etc and this will be maintained on the basis of different key combination.


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Data about the condtions are stored in the form of records are called condition records.

Eg of conditions are

1.So and so material be charged with Rs 100 for each qty and so material or customer are elgible for discount of RS 10 for each qty with validity date


the above condition are stored in the form of records in t-code VK11.


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