What is sdlc and breif the stages in sdlc

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Mukesh Mishra

  • May 8th, 2006

SDLC or software developement life cycle is the whole process of developing a software, beginning from Requirement gathering to maintenance. Broadly,the different stages of SDLC can be illustrated as these-------

Gathering information ---- Analyze ----- Designing ------ Coding ----- Testing ----- Implementation and Maintenance.

 where each stage has a well defined procedure so that the developed software meets the customer or clients requirements in the best and most cost effective manner, without erring the quality of the product.

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  • May 9th, 2006

SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle

 Software Development Life Cycle which is also known as Classic Life Cycle Model or Linear Sequential Model.  

The following are the actives of the SDLC

1) System engineering and modeling

2) Software require analysis

3) Systems analysis and design

4) Code generation

5) Testing

6) Development and Maintenance

System Engineering and Modeling

In this process we have to identify the projects requirement and main features proposed in the application. Here the development team visits the customer and their system. They investigate the need for possible software automation in the given system. By the end of the investigation study. The team writes a document that holds the specifications for the customer system.

Software Requirement Analysis

In this software requirements analysis, firstly analysis the requirement for the proposed system. To understand the nature of the program to built, the system engineer must understand the information domain for the software, as well as required functions, performance and the interfacing. From the available information the system engineer develops a list of the actors use cases and system level requirement for the project. With the help of key user the list of use case and requirement is reviewed. Refined and updated in an iterative fashion until the user is satisfied that it represents the essence of the proposed system.

Systems analysis and design

The design is the process of designing exactly how the specifications are to be implemented. It defines specifically how the software is to be written including an object model with properties and method for each object, the client/server technology, the number of tiers needed for the package architecture and a detailed database design. Analysis and design are very important in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development.

Code generation

The design must be translated into a machine readable form. The code generation step performs this task. The development phase involves the actual coding of the entire application. If design is performed in a detailed manner. Code generation can be accomplished with out much complicated. Programming tools like compilers, interpreters like c, c++, and java are used for coding .with respect to the type of application. The right programming language is chosen.


After the coding. The program testing begins. There are different methods are there to detect the error in coding .different method are already available. Some companies are developed their own testing tools

Development and Maintenance

The development and maintenance is a staged roll out of the new application, this involves installation and initial training and may involve hardware and network upgrades. Software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There are many reasons for the change. Change could be happen because of some unexpected input values into the system. In addition, the changes in the system could be directly affecting the software operations. The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post implementation period.



  • May 25th, 2006

SDLC means software development life cycle


1. Information gathering

2. Requirement analysis

3. Design Document:In this HLDD(high level design document) and LLDD(low lwvwl design document)

4. Coding

5.Testing:In this unit testing,integration testing, sanity/smoke/monkey testing


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  • Jan 18th, 2007

Software Development Life Cycle.


Everything has a general life cycle from its origin to death. Similarly when a software is developed by a developer it should be handed over to a tester for verifying whether the software is bug free for the user to use.When we define any technical term , it should be understandable even to a layman and it should not contain unnessecary jargons.


General life cycle of a software is depicted as follows:


  1. Obtain the requirements from the client/user.
  2. Plan the steps.
  3. Review the plan with developers .
  4. Designing
  5. Coding
  6. Testing
  7. Maintenance

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  • Jan 18th, 2007

Software Development Life Cycle.


Everything has a general life cycle from its origin to death. Similarly when a software is developed by a developer it should be handed over to a tester for verifying whether the software is bug free for the user to use.When we define any technical term , it should be understandable even to a layman and it should not contain unnessecary jargons.


General life cycle of a software is depicted as follows:


  1. Obtain the requirements from the client/user.
  2. Plan the steps.
  3. Review the plan with developers .
  4. Designing
  5. Coding
  6. Testing
  7. Maintenance

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  • Apr 4th, 2007

SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle

This life cycle document will provide us with a generic overview  about different software development methodologies adopted by contemporary software firms. Phases are following :

Feasibility Study ( Gathering Requirements)





And Implementation

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  • May 2nd, 2008

first step is: collection of requirements.
second step: feasibiltiy analysis
third step: documents collection.
fourth step:coding by debvelopers.
fifth step:testing by test engineers.
sixth step:maintance
seventh step:acceptance test which is done by customer

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  • Oct 14th, 2011

RE:what is sdlc and brief the stages in sdlc

In sdlc we have six phases i.e
1)Initial phase(ie Requirement phase):Business analyst deals with the B.D.D,F.D.D,B,D
2)Analysis phase:System analyst deals with S.R.S
3)Desgining phase:H.L.D/L.L.D produces the D.F.D's,etc
4)coding phase:Developers deals with S.C.D
5)Testing phase:Testers Produces D.P.D,R.R etc
6)Delivery and maintenance:Project Managers,Team Leads involves in this stage and produce S.W.D.N

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  • Oct 14th, 2011

You should use Google and Wikipedia more often:


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