What is meant by EDW?

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Uma Bojja

  • May 4th, 2006



Its a big data warehouses OR centralized data warehousing OR the old style of warehouse.
Its a single enterprise data warehouse (EDW) with no associated data marts or operational data store (ODS) systems.


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  • May 5th, 2006

                             If the warehouse is build across particular vertical of the

company it is called as enterprise data warehouse.It is limited to particular

verticle.For example if the warehouse is build across sales vertical then it is

termed as EDW for sales hierachy

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EDW is Enterprise Datawarehouse which means that its a centralised DW for the whole organization.

this apporach is the apporach on Imon which relies on the point of having a single warehouse/centralised where the kimball apporach says to have seperate data marts for each vertical/department.

Advantages of having a EDW:

1. Golbal view of the Data

2. Same point of source of data for all the users acroos the organization.

3. able to perform consistent analysis on a single Data Warehouse.

to over come is the time it takes to develop and also the management that is required to build a centralised database.



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