What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales order(which check system considers) what are the IMG settings for the same

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  • May 12th, 2006

ATP Check is checking of availablty quantities i.e ATP  = Total Warehouse Stock + Planned receipts(Incoming Stock) - Planned Issues (Out going stock)

Availbilty Check is an integral part of business process it determines the if the desire deliverible quantity can be met on requested delivery date or not.Then it passes to Material Requirement Planning. 

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  • Nov 10th, 2006

avability check is nothing but checking of availibility of stock which is placed in the order , sys carries out this check through a available to promise (ATP) logic =whare house stock +planned recepts (incoming stock)-planned issues (out going stock)

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  • May 23rd, 2007

In R/3, there are three types of availability check:
Check on the basis of ATP quantities, Check against product allocation and Check against planning.The ATP(Avilability to promise) stock is calculated form the warehouse stock. 

ATP= Existing stock+inward stock-outward stock.

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  • Nov 16th, 2007

Hi all,

availability check is a process to check the availability of material requested by customer on customer requested delivery date, it is a integrial part of business process.

whenever customer place an order system check the availability of requested material on specific date this is configure on material master general sale plant data and passes to material requirement planning (MRP)

Whereas ATP (Available to Prommise) is consider the inward movement (Purchase order, Planning order, Production order) and outward movement (sales order stock, reserve stock)
based on ATP system confirm the available quantity and remaining passes to RLT.


Shambhu Sarkar
Certified SAP Consultant

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  • Jan 5th, 2008

Availability check is the integral part of the business process which determines if the desired delivery qty can be met on the desired date.this includes scheduling for picking and packing time and the time taken to produce or obtain the material as well.

ATP(available to promise)=Warehouse stock+Incoming stock-outgoing stock.If this is checked can examine safety stock,stock in transfer,stock in quality inspection,and blocked stock.planned receipts & issue.It also considers made to order stocks and consignment stocks.

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  • Sep 11th, 2008

Availability check is basically carried out at order level, where the system determines if the customer requested quantity can be delivered on the customer requested date. Availability check makes use of ATP (available to promise) which is nothing but a figure of the total stock (which can be consumed) available on hand. This includes warehouse stock+incoming stock-planned outgoing stock. ATP is a number, where as availability check is a process.

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