How to integrate MM With Fico?

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Gopal K Bhagavatula

  • Jun 27th, 2006

Go to IMG settings in Financial accounting and do the configuration for MM-FI settings

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  • Jul 8th, 2006

Which of the above answer is correct ?

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  • Jul 18th, 2006

Value from MM to FI is defined in OBYC?. on the material master the flow of values are assigned on the Costing, Accounting, etc tabs where the system helps to post the necessary stock values into the appropriate GL accounts. Helps to determine, the GL accounts updated when there is a movement of goods.  

Here (OBYC)

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  • Dec 27th, 2008

In transaction code OBYC we can assign automatic postings GL account based on the valuation class. In T.Code OBWB we can assign the posting key and G L  account based on the movement type . 

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  • Mar 28th, 2009

The MM->Fi interface depends mainly on two things which are valuation class that we assign to material at the time of creating it and movement type like inventory posting(BSX), gr/ir clearing(WRX) or inventory offsetting(GBB). The 3digit codes mentioned are the standard transaction keys provided by SAP for each possible movement type. They can be found when we run tcode OBYC in IMG. In order to create interface between MM and FI we need to assign a G/L a/c from the chart of accounts being used for the co-code for each movement type(transaction) for a valuation class. If the no.of G/L accounts to be posted are more than one as in case of GBB(issues from different stocks or for different purposes) the parameter General Modifications comes into picture the value of which decides the G/L a/c to be posted under different scenarios.

For an example, we have two diff. stock a/cs in our G/L for RM Inv.(AC2222) and Spares Inv.(AC5555). We can define that raw mat. stock has valuation class as RMS and that of spare parts is SPS. Now for inventory posting we have to assign AC2222 to BSX for Val.class RMS for RM and AC5555 to BSX for val.class SPS for spares. But for GBB we may have to use additional parameters(gen.modification) like VBR or VAY or VKA in order to post them to different consumption types(G/L a/cs). The tcode is OBYC but tcodes like OMSK, OMWN, OMWD and OMWM do also play some role in creating interface.


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