What is adUseClient and adUseServer?where it is going to affect in runtime?

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  • Apr 12th, 2006

These are constants in CursorLocationEnum of CursorLocation property on a ADO Connection object.

If the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient then the recordset will be in read only mode, i.e. the recordset cannot be used to update records in the database. A recordset with the CursorLocation asUseClient is typically used when an active Recordset is Disconnected for viewing data.

By setting the CursorLocation as adUseServer the recordset can perform any transaction with the database.

amrita sinha

  • May 8th, 2006

hello All

First I must say you all that until u are not very clear about your answers plz dont post here.

UseClientSide cursor location doesnot mean that that recorset is in read only mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

This is nothing to do with disconnected recordset tooooooooooo.

If u are using cursor location  to client side it means that the reference to the recorset is in client machine's RAM. if there are 1000 records..... they all reside on client machine not on server which will happen in the other case (when cursor location is on server side). this means if u are moving recodset its going to take place on ur local machine........... no server trip at all.

And for your kind information............... Oracle does not suport server side cursor.

Ok then



  • Oct 5th, 2010

I agree with amrita sinha, request not to answer the questions if your not sure about the answer. It is better not to answer rather then give some irrelavnt information. Ther will be many interview aspirants who will be desperately searching/preparing for interviews would finally end with wrong/improper answers.

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