How can we prepare the testcase for integration testing and traceability matrix?

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • May 16th, 2006

integration testing means test the individual modules,select modules individually,test the individual

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  • May 16th, 2006

tracibility matrix mean exactly knows the where we writing (or) on which topic we r writing testcase

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Malli Reddy

  • May 26th, 2006

An integration test very that all the parts of application.integrated to gather between  two components,,in this Two types is there,one is the INcrumental integration testing,and non-Incrumental integration testing,,

Incrumental integration testing:in this we can test the module by module.the error module debugging easy one by one this Top Down Approach is avaliable,begin with top module execution hirarchy,in this Stub is available:stub is called component is nothing but a Stub.

and second thing:Bottom-Up approach:begine with terminal modules,in this Driver is available,driver is:calling components is nothing but driver..


  • Jul 3rd, 2006

Hi all

As a black box tester we want are responsable for doing system intergation testing. There is no need of any stubs or drivers all this are take care by developer. We wnat to do only data dependicy test and data transfer test.

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  • Jan 31st, 2007

after completion of unit testing and module testing technical testers conduct integration testing during this test verifies all modules

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Integration Test cases : It is nothing but integrating of one or more modules
or components or forms to form a single built for that we write the test cases
and call it as Integrating Test cases.

i.e For example If A1 A2 A3 are the modules then if we are integrating all
these 3 module`s in that if any field needs a input from A3 we write the test
case just like writing a simple test cases there is nothing difficult in it.

Traceability Matrix is nothing but checking whether we have written all the
test cases for the SRS requirements based on use case

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Traceability Matrix:

The term traceability matrix done in the requirement analysis for manual testing.
It is nothing but the mapping of requirements and the test cases prepared. i.e checking whether
we have covered all the test cases for all the requirements specified in the SRS document.

Integration Testing:

Integration testing is the method of testing the relative lower level modules and higher level modules combinedly done,
mostly it is done by white box testers.

(A s/w is divided into lower level and higher level modules)

Update me if I am incorrect.

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we can prepare the test cases based on how we are making the integration that is how we are joning one module with other and how the data is flowing from one module to other module

Traceability matrix is nothing but tracing whether we have written all the test cases based upon the requirements

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