What is the difference between javabeans and ejbbeans

Questions by jacinthaserine   answers by jacinthaserine

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  • Apr 12th, 2006

Java Beans are reusable components with getters and setters for either accessing or modifying the properties of the object (Component). They are better known as client-side components, which are more often used in client side programming.

EJBs are java components used in server side computing either for persistence or transactions, in which the business logic or application logic is written.

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  • Apr 28th, 2006

java beans - it is reusable software programs. it use setter and getter methods are use. besically this bean access through jsp pages to use setting the properites. while this properties are exist until session are exist.

there are 4 types of session scope

page scope
request scope
application scope
session scope

EJB - Enterprise JavaBeans technology        

The server-side component architecture for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform. Technology enables rapid and simplified development of distributed, transactional, secure and portable applications based on Java technology.

there types of EJB

Session Bean - Stateful Session Beans and Stateless Session Beans

Entity Bean

Message-Driven Bean


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  • May 21st, 2006

Hi Friends,

JavaBeans may be visible or nonvisibleat runtime. For example, the visual GUI component may be a button, list box, graphic, or a chart An EJB is a nonvisual, remote object
Java Beans are intended to be local to a single process and are primarily intended to run on the client side. Although one can deevelop server-side JavaBeans, it is far easier to develop them usin the EJB specification instead. EJBs are remotely executable components or business objects that can be deployed only on the server
JavaBeans is a component technology to create generic java component that can be composed together into applets and applications Even though EJB is a component technology, it neither builds upon nor extends the original javaBeans specification.
Java Bean have an external interface called the properties interface, which allows a builder tool to interpret the functionality of the bean EJBs have a deployment descriptor that describes its functionality to an exteternal builder tool or IDE

ok bye..........

Keeps Smiling And Mailing


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  • May 29th, 2006


Thanks Mr.Srinivasan...can you please some good material for JSP,to my mail id..




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Hi Friends,

JavaBeans may be visible or nonvisibleat runtime. For example, the visual GUI component may be a button, list box, graphic, or a chart An EJB is a nonvisual, remote object
Java Beans are intended to be local to a single process and are primarily intended to run on the client side. Although one can deevelop server-side JavaBeans, it is far easier to develop them usin the EJB specification instead. EJBs are remotely executable components or business objects that can be deployed only on the server
JavaBeans is a component technology to create generic java component that can be composed together into applets and applications Even though EJB is a component technology, it neither builds upon nor extends the original javaBeans specification.
Java Bean have an external interface called the properties interface, which allows a builder tool to interpret the functionality of the bean EJBs have a deployment descriptor that describes its functionality to an exteternal builder tool or IDE

keeps smiling and mailing



Note:If any one want java materials like e-books,faq's send a mail to my id.if any doubts regarding java send a mail to my id, if possible i will send answers.if any one want how to install java softwares ,tomcat,weblogic,eclipse,jbuilder etc and how to use plz send amil or ask online also i will definitly tell.

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Hi Friends,

JavaBeans may be visible or nonvisibleat runtime. For example, the visual GUI component may be a button, list box, graphic, or a chart An EJB is a nonvisual, remote object
Java Beans are intended to be local to a single process and are primarily intended to run on the client side. Although one can deevelop server-side JavaBeans, it is far easier to develop them usin the EJB specification instead. EJBs are remotely executable components or business objects that can be deployed only on the server
JavaBeans is a component technology to create generic java component that can be composed together into applets and applications Even though EJB is a component technology, it neither builds upon nor extends the original javaBeans specification.
Java Bean have an external interface called the properties interface, which allows a builder tool to interpret the functionality of the bean EJBs have a deployment descriptor that describes its functionality to an exteternal builder tool or IDE

keeps smiling and mailing



Note:If any one want java materials like e-books,faq's send a mail to my id.if any doubts regarding java send a mail to my id, if possible i will send answers.if any one want how to install java softwares ,tomcat,weblogic,eclipse,jbuilder etc and how to use plz send amil or ask online also i will definitly tell.

clickonit for java: http://java.sun.com/blueprints/guidelines/designing_enterprise_applications_2e/DEA2eIX.html

clickon my home page: http://in.geocities.com/bora_srinivasarao/MyHomepage.html

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