What is SDLC and STLC , what is relationship between them

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  • Member Since Jan-2008 | Feb 3rd, 2008

SDLC is the main process in the developement of a software.
The approcah generally depends on the framework that is followed like CMMI , SPICE etc. and the methodology used to build the product e.g Waterfall, agile etc.

The general appraoch in SDLC though is :
1. Domain analysis. (done by either and/or customer and Business analyst)
re element analysis : SAG (software architecture group-> analyst, PM's, SQA managers etc....)
3.Scope analysis
4.Specification -->(client, system analyst)
5.Design -->( Low level, High Level)
6. Coding --> developers
7. Testing--->testers
8. Documentation --> testers, dev, tech writers
9. Sign off -->after UAT by customers

is related to SDLC but does not start at step 7 if a good product roll out is intented.
Senior test analyst get involved in the Req analysis to get an idea of the requirements and spot gaps in requirements.
2) During Design phase the work with developers to decide what aspects are testable as well as help with Unit testcase review if possible
3)Test planning: Deciding the scope, strategy and enviornment and risks in testing -> done by Lead or senior testers
4)Test developement ; Writing testcases, scenarios, Scripts, procedures etyc
5)Execution : excuting testcases and capturing the results--> junior testers
 6)Reporting:logging bugs found. Done by junior testers.
repeat of 5) and 6) in cycles of testing and resolution of defects.
This is closely related to the Bug life cycle.

SDLC is the master cycle and STLC is a sub cycle of the same.

Showing Answers 1 - 33 of 33 Answers


  • Apr 9th, 2006

Hi Vikas Manual Testing is entirely differs from Automated testing,

     Means automated testing is a structural testing and manual is a functional testing.. in manual we want to write the test case and execute it.. test cases are write in the coding level itself

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prashant m

  • Apr 12th, 2006

hello j.shankar who said automation testing is structual testing and manual testing is fuctionality testing, i think its wrong  statement 

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srinivas chowdary

  • Apr 17th, 2006

SDLC:-   It stands for software development life cycle

STLC:-   It stands for software testing life cycle

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  • Apr 21st, 2006

SDLC : software Development life cycle

STLC : software testing life cycle.

STLC depends upon SDLC.It is the part of SDLC.when we talk about SDLC, that means we are talking about whole software(contributed hardware and software ). but in STLC we will consider only testing of software, only functionaly wise talks. In SDLC, we will identify reasons, problems, and their solutions. on the otherhand, in STLC, we will think about that on the basis of problems we have identified and soultions implemented, my product is working as per my requirements or not..

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  • Apr 22nd, 2006

sdlc  specifies the different stages inthe softwaredevelopment

stlc specifies the different stages int he testing

stlc is a part of sdlc we can say  at each and every stage of sdlc we perfrm differnt kinds of testing like  at coding level we do unit testing,at desing we perform integratin testing,at functinal req stage we perform functional system test and at requirement analysis stage we perform user acceptence test

how we perform testing is stlc     in this testing process is a part   test plan preperatin,test spec preperatin based on that , then review takes place, once reivew completed we prepare test data,then we execute the test, after then we log the bugs and prepare test summary report and close the testing.

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  • Apr 30th, 2006

SDLC-s/w development life cycle :HOw exactly you develop a s/w.the various steps and procedures followed to develop a s/w

STLC-s/w Testing life cycle :How exactly testing is performed so that Quality is acheived and bugs are found with systematic pocedure.

Relation b/w sdlc and stlc

For eg consider V-model. Here SDLC AND STCL GOES side by side.ie development and testing is in hand to hand.Usually followed in a CMM-5 company(Optimized level).


    SDLC                                                        STLC

Req analysis          ----------------------          Acceptance testing

   SYS Design(HLLD)   -----------------        sys testing              

     Detailed design(LLD)  ----------        integration testing

                          coding   ----    unit testing                 

Here you can see how SDLC AND STLC Goes side by side


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  • Jun 14th, 2006

SDLC : means Softwar Development Life Cycle in this development peaple will involved to dev the software

STLC : means Software Testing Life Cycle in this testing team will involve yo test the software

STLC is the part of SDLC

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  • Aug 23rd, 2006

The software development life cycle(SDLC) covers the


  1.  Information gathering
  2. Analysis
  3. Designing
  4. Coding
  5. Testing
  6. Implementation
  7. Release & Maintenance

Software testing life cycle(STLC) covers

1. Test planning

2. Test development

3. Test execution

4. Result analysis

5. Bug reporting

6. Preparation of reports


STLC is the part of the SDLC


Raj Sekhar

  • Aug 29th, 2006

I don't think that STLC will begin after SDLC both can be done simultaniously. In Traditional "waterfall model" STLC will start after the SDLC but in "Agile" Both start simultaniously. Giving a Quality product to client.

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  • Sep 11th, 2006

SDLC:soft development life cycle.

STLC:software testing life cycle. The Relation ship between them is correlated with on one another. It is necessary in every organization such as large high and medium. with out proper flow of life cycle the poject cost increases up to the peek level.The company can obtain through this life cycle with minimum cost and high profit.This life is prepared by the project manger or team lead according to the organization.

 sudhakar kolla

If you are having any doubt can ask me.

My Email:Kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in

My number :09819859346


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  • Sep 23rd, 2006

Software Developement Life Cycle :

                   It contains five phases:

                       1) Analysis (Requirements)

                       2) Planning 

                       3) Coding

                       4) Testing

                       5) Maintenance

Software Testing Life Cycle :


                        1) Test Plan

                               - based on requirements write the Test Cases

                               - Review & Execute the Test Cases

                               - What type of testing to implement the application

                                       wheher functionality, Sanity, Integration......
                        2) Test Report

                                - preparing Test Log Sheet

                                - In Per day How many Test Cases written, reviewed 
                                  and Executed .

                                - If any Automation tools are using the application

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  • Feb 21st, 2007

2)requirement analysis

1)SRS/ Use Case
2)review Comments
3)Time estimation
4)Test plan
5)Test Cases
6)Bug Reporting
7)Bug Locking
                         Correct me if i am wrong

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  • Jun 1st, 2007

manual testing-testing the behaviour of an application without using the automation tool.

Automation testing- Testing the behaviour of an application using automation tool.

generally we use automation tool during the regression testing, because the same testing process occur repeatedly.

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  • Jul 22nd, 2007

STLC is only software testing life cycle but SDLC THIS is soft ware development life cycle? testing is static, development is dynamic

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  • Nov 6th, 2007

SDLC is software development life cycle which has the following stages.
1. Requirement or Information gathering
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Coding/implementation
5. Testing
6. Installation
7. Release and maintenance

Whereas STLC is software testing life cycle which is a part of SDLC and has the following stages:
1. Requirement
2. Prepare test plan
3. Review
4. Prepare test cases
5. Execute the test
6. report analysis
7. Bug analysis(log the bugs)
8. Bug report
9. Close testing

STLC is not at all Integral part of SDLC

STLC is a parllel task that will be carriedout from the begining of initial Phase of SDLC

Only the Execution Phase,Reporting and Analysis will be done in Testing Phase of SDLC.

-------> If  u see that BDD,UCD Review will be starting from the begining from the Initial Phase, where as the developers will start doing there task. Test Plan will be prepared from the starting in the Initial Stage.

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  • Feb 3rd, 2008

SDLC is the main process in the developement of a software.
The approcah generally depends on the framework that is followed like CMMI , SPICE etc. and the methodology used to build the product e.g Waterfall, agile etc.

The general appraoch in SDLC though is :
1. Domain analysis. (done by either and/or customer and Business analyst)
re element analysis : SAG (software architecture group-> analyst, PM's, SQA managers etc....)
3.Scope analysis
4.Specification -->(client, system analyst)
5.Design -->( Low level, High Level)
6. Coding --> developers
7. Testing--->testers
8. Documentation --> testers, dev, tech writers
9. Sign off -->after UAT by customers

is related to SDLC but does not start at step 7 if a good product roll out is intented.
Senior test analyst get involved in the Req analysis to get an idea of the requirements and spot gaps in requirements.
2) During Design phase the work with developers to decide what aspects are testable as well as help with Unit testcase review if possible
3)Test planning: Deciding the scope, strategy and enviornment and risks in testing -> done by Lead or senior testers
4)Test developement ; Writing testcases, scenarios, Scripts, procedures etyc
5)Execution : excuting testcases and capturing the results--> junior testers
 6)Reporting:logging bugs found. Done by junior testers.
repeat of 5) and 6) in cycles of testing and resolution of defects.
This is closely related to the Bug life cycle.

SDLC is the master cycle and STLC is a sub cycle of the same.

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  • Jul 8th, 2008

SDLC => Software Development Life Cycle
STLC => Software Test Life Cycle
STLC and SDLC are two sides of the same coins. Both work hand in hand till product completion.

Different phases of STLC are:

  • Test Planning,
  • Test Analysis,
  • Test Design,
  • Construction and verification,
  • Testing Cycles,
  • Final Testing and Implementation and
  • Post Implementation.

  • Different types of SDLC are:

  • Big Bang Model
  • Code and Fix Model
  • Spiral Model
  • Waterfall Model
  • V Model 
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    • Jul 8th, 2008

    SDLC:-Software development Life Cycle

    STLC:-Software Test Life Cycle


    Information gathering

    Release & Maintenance
    Software testing life cycle(STLC) covers 

    1. Test planning

    2. Test development 

    3. Test execution

    4. Result analysis

    5. Bug reporting

    6. Preparation of reports

    STLC is the part of the SDLC

    simply to say SDLC have only single stage of testing that 
    to it have been done by programmer onlywhere as in STLC 
    there are three types of testing(unit,integrating,system 

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    Prabhu Prasad Mishra

    • Apr 25th, 2014

    V-Model forms a relation between SDLC and STLC.
    Req Spec-------------->User Acceptance Testing
    Functional Spec------------------>System Testing
    High Level Design------------------->Integration Testing
    Detailed Design------------------------->Unit Testing

    Left Side is SDLC. Right side is STLC.

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