Editorial / Best Answer
SDLC is the main process in the developement of a software.
The approcah generally depends on the framework that is followed like CMMI , SPICE etc. and the methodology used to build the product e.g Waterfall, agile etc.
The general appraoch in SDLC though is :
1. Domain analysis. (done by either and/or customer and Business analyst)
re element analysis : SAG (software architecture group-> analyst, PM's, SQA managers etc....)
3.Scope analysis
4.Specification -->(client, system analyst)
5.Design -->( Low level, High Level)
6. Coding --> developers
7. Testing--->testers
8. Documentation --> testers, dev, tech writers
9. Sign off -->after UAT by customers
is related to SDLC but does not start at step 7 if a good product roll out is intented.
Senior test analyst get involved in the Req analysis to get an idea of the requirements and spot gaps in requirements.
2) During Design phase the work with developers to decide what aspects are testable as well as help with Unit testcase review if possible
3)Test planning: Deciding the scope, strategy and enviornment and risks in testing -> done by Lead or senior testers
4)Test developement ; Writing testcases, scenarios, Scripts, procedures etyc
5)Execution : excuting testcases and capturing the results--> junior testers
6)Reporting:logging bugs found. Done by junior testers.
repeat of 5) and 6) in cycles of testing and resolution of defects.
This is closely related to the Bug life cycle.
SDLC is the master cycle and STLC is a sub cycle of the same.
What is SDLC and STLC , what is relationship between them
Editorial / Best Answer
testingeekSDLC is the main process in the developement of a software.
The approcah generally depends on the framework that is followed like CMMI , SPICE etc. and the methodology used to build the product e.g Waterfall, agile etc.
The general appraoch in SDLC though is :
1. Domain analysis. (done by either and/or customer and Business analyst)
re element analysis : SAG (software architecture group-> analyst, PM's, SQA managers etc....)
3.Scope analysis
4.Specification -->(client, system analyst)
5.Design -->( Low level, High Level)
6. Coding --> developers
7. Testing--->testers
8. Documentation --> testers, dev, tech writers
9. Sign off -->after UAT by customers
is related to SDLC but does not start at step 7 if a good product roll out is intented.
Senior test analyst get involved in the Req analysis to get an idea of the requirements and spot gaps in requirements.
2) During Design phase the work with developers to decide what aspects are testable as well as help with Unit testcase review if possible
3)Test planning: Deciding the scope, strategy and enviornment and risks in testing -> done by Lead or senior testers
4)Test developement ; Writing testcases, scenarios, Scripts, procedures etyc
5)Execution : excuting testcases and capturing the results--> junior testers
6)Reporting:logging bugs found. Done by junior testers.
repeat of 5) and 6) in cycles of testing and resolution of defects.
This is closely related to the Bug life cycle.
SDLC is the master cycle and STLC is a sub cycle of the same.
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