How do you write a C program which can calculate lines of code but not counting comments?

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  • Mar 29th, 2006

Using file concept with Command line arguments.declare a variable (lcnt) used to count the no of lines.Open a file in read made and then using while loop check the condition for not equal to EOF.Later using if condition check check for new line and increment the variable for counting the lines.

Then using while,check for the character '/','*' (as the comments start with these characters) and end with ('*' and '/').if condition of this is true then break and come out of the block else increment the line.

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  • Mar 29th, 2006

How do you write a C program which can calculate l...

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FILE f=open a file in readmode

char ch;int c=0;





{case "/" :  if (fgetc(f)=="*")    while (fgetc(f)!="*" and fgetc(f)!="/");break;

 case "\n": c=c+1;break;



close the file;




This is a very good question. Here I am presenting my idea.

But I didnot executed it. Could any one execute it and please let me know whether it is working fine or not

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  • Nov 8th, 2006

working code ************************#includemain(){ FILE *f; char ch;int c=0; f=fopen("reddy", "r"); ch=fgetc(f); while(!feof(f)) { switch(ch) { case 47 : if (fgetc(f)=="*") while (fgetc(f)!="*" && fgetc(f)!="/") ch=fgetc(f); break; case 10: c=c+1; break; } ch=fgetc(f); } fclose(f); printf("The total number of lines are:%dn", c);}

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