What is a mapping, session, worklet, workflow, mapplet?

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  • May 18th, 2005

Session: A session is a set of instructions that tells the Informatica Server how and when to move data from sources to targets. 
Mapplet: Mapplet is the set of transformation which we can make for reusability.It is a whole logic. 
Workflow: it is the pipeline which pass or flow the data from source to target.

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  • Aug 14th, 2005

A mapping represents dataflow from sources to targets. 
A mapplet creates or configures a set of transformations. 
A workflow is a set of instruction sthat tell the Informatica server how to execute the tasks. 
A worklet is an object that represents a set of tasks. 
A session is a set of instructions to move data from sources to targets.


  • Aug 29th, 2005

Mapping - represents the flow and transformation of data from source to taraget. 
Mapplet - a group of transformations that can be called within a mapping. 
Session - a task associated with a mapping to define the connections and other configurations for that mapping. 
Workflow - controls the execution of tasks such as commands, emails and sessions. 
Worklet - a workflow that can be called within a workflow.

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  • Jan 17th, 2006

Session - a task associated with a mapping to define the connections and other configurations for that mapping.


Workflow - controls the execution of tasks such as commands, emails and sessions. 


Worklet - a workflow that can be called within a workflow.


Mapping - represents the flow and transformation of data from source to taraget. 

Mapplet - a group of transformations that can be called within a mapping. 


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  • Jun 1st, 2006

with out knowing these what can u do?

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  • Aug 22nd, 2011

mapping :-set of transformations.And moving data from source to target along with transformation s
session :-set of instructions source addresses and target address u write it
worklet:- set of sessions

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kotesh chowdary

  • Aug 26th, 2011

SIMPLY to say::::::::::::::::::

worklet : set of sessions

mapplet : set of transformations that can be called within a mapping

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  • Sep 7th, 2015

Mapplet which we can use more than one transformation logic that is Expression and Joiner Transformation both can used in Single in the Mapplet.

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