In the source, if we also have duplicate records and we have 2 targets, T1- for unique values and T2- only for duplicate values. How do we pass the unique values to T1 and duplicate values to T2 from the source to these 2 different targets in a single mapping?

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • Mar 28th, 2006


use this sequence to get the result.

source--->sq--->exp-->sorter(with enable select distinct check box)--->t1

                            --->aggregator(with enabling group by and write count 




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  • Mar 29th, 2006


if u want any information for that question

call me to 9840559828.  or  mail to

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  • Mar 29th, 2006

source--->sq--->exp-->sorter(with enable select distinct check box)--->t1

                            --->aggregator(with enabling group by and write count 


If u want only duplicates to t2 u can follow this sequence

                             --->agg(with enable group by write this code decode(count(col),1,1,0))--->Filter(condition is 0)--->t2.

for any information call me to +91-0-9840559828///

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take two source instences and in first one embeded distinct in the source qualifier and connect it to the target t1.

 and just write a query in the second source instance to fetch the duplicate records and connect it to the target t2.

<< if u use aggregater as suggested by my friend u will get duplicate as well as distinct records in the second target >>

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  • Apr 7th, 2006

This is not a right approach friends. There is a good practice of identifying duplicates. Normally when you ask someone how to identify a duplicate record in informatica, they say "Use aggregator transf". well you can just get a count from this, but not really identify which record is a duplicate. If it is RDBMS, you can simply write a query "select ... from by <key fields> having count(*) > 1.

great! But what if the source is a flat file? you can use an aggregate and get the count of it. then you will filter and wanted to make sure it reacheds the T1 and T2 tgt's appropriately.

This would be the easiest way.

Use a sorter transformation. sort on key fields by which u want to find the duplicates. then use an expression tranformation.



field1 --ascending/descending
field2 --ascending/descending

--> field1
--> field2

<--> v_field1_curr = field1
<--> v_field2_curr = field2
v_dup_flag = IIF(v_field1_curr = v_field1_prev, true, false)
o_dup_flag = IIF(v_dup_flag = true, 'Duplicate', 'Not Duplicate'

<--> v_field1_prev = v_field1_curr
<--> v_field2_prev = v_field2_curr

use a Router transformation and put o_dup_flag = 'Duplicate' in T2 and 'Not Duplicate' in T1.

Informatica evaluates row by row. So as we sort, all the rows come in order and it will evaluate based on the previous and current rows. hope its clear.

Adil M

  • Jul 4th, 2007

Use a router transformation

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  • Apr 8th, 2008

This can be done using an aggregator and a router. In the aggregator group by all columns and in the router give count(*)>=1 for the first group condition and connect it to T1 and give count(*) >1 for the second group condition and connect it to T2. This way you will get all the Uniq values in T1 and the ones which were duplicated to T2.

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  • Apr 11th, 2008

using an update strategy transformation...We can insert the new rows using INSERT option in T1 and insert duplicate rows using UPDATE option in T2

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