What is OCI. What are its uses?

Oracle Call Interface is a method of accesing database from a 3GL program. Uses--No precompiler is required,PL/SQL blocks are executed like other DML statements. The OCI library provides
  • -functions to parse SQL statemets
  • -bind input variables
  • -bind output variables
  • -execute statements
  • -fetch the results

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  • Feb 6th, 2008

The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is a set of low-level APIs (Application Programming Interface Calls) used to interact with Oracle databases. It allows one to use operations like logon, execute, parse, fetch, etc. OCI programs are normally written in C or C++, although they can be written in almost any programing language.

Unlike with the Oracle Precompilers (like Pro*C and Pro*COBOL), OCI programs are not precompiled.

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